Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Crater!

As we approach the miracle of Easter it reminds me of my 2nd safari day!
Nogoro Nogoro crater was a mountain taller than Mtn Kilimanjaro, and then imploded and is now a beautiful self contained paradise for the animals and the Maasi tribe that has lived there for hundreds of years. They do not need to leave the crater because all that is needed is right there....what a miracle from such a huge disaster! We serve an amazing God!
As we stood on the rim it was a gorgeous site. This is my favortite safari day. The breeze is cool, and the birds started my day with beautiful songs!
I was up before the sun, and what a sight to see it rise...I know I always talk about the "Gift" but each day is so exciting to open!!
I'm feeling really goos today, still not eating much, breakfast was eggs, hot dogs, fruit, toast and pancakes...the toast with homemade honey was all that would go down:)

We make the drive to the park entrance and descend into the crater, so green and lush, animals every where! A life expeirence i won't forget...
I'm going to share some words from my journal that I wrote on this morning...

My eyes are wet, and my heart is full, I'll never forget the color, the feeling of sunrise! Uhuru was my "Freedom" the barrier has been broken! What is Freedom...Alive, Life, Love, Change,Unordinary. The birds singing this morning are free to create a new melody each and every day and so am I! The sunrise begins the gift to be opened today! What will it's like christmas morning anticipating the tearing open, and "whats inside" remember the excitement you felt!

Enjoy your day, and open your "Gift" with anticipipation and excitement!!

The story continues one step at a time From the top!

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