Saturday, March 23, 2013

Shower day!!

Good Morning!

We make it to the cottage! I remember my forst thought of this romm 7 days ago...NOW I love it.
Can hardly wait to fel the water pour oer me! We even get to sit down in there:)!

The shower is not the best, and hot water goes quickly,but it has never felt better than to shave my legs! Sorry for ALL the detail but it was so true:)
Haven't had make up on in over a week, still can't do our hair but I at least can put on mascara!! Exciting!
Andrew comes to pick us up at 12:00, he actually stares at both of us....We can clean up!
We head to the Bryson office...I'm so excited I can hardly type...It feels so good to know my family and friends will get an update in a few minutes, we can't get anything back but just the connection feels great.
I actually get teary writing, I have said this before, and I thought of everyone, but I really needed to hear from Michael! He is and always will be my baby boy, and I missed him SO much! I want him to be proud of his Mom! We were limited on time, so I emailed a few and asked them to spread the word...I SUMMITED!! You all must be getting tired of hearing that, but it was, and IS so amazing to me, that I accomplished it!
Andrew takes us back to Bristol...I think what is so fascinating about life is you have people walk into your life that really impact you, and they walk out, and that is it? How can 10 African men change my life....
First I SEE my life, I am SO very Blessed. Yes there are wants, but really I have an abundance!!
Accomplishing a long awaited goal actually go thru a kind of withdrawal?? More on that later.

We go enjoy a Margherita Pizza, and my Kilimanjaro beer...!!

The story continues one step at a time From the Top!!


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