Thursday, March 7, 2013

Headed to Barafu

Good Morning everyone...I just want to say Thank you for all of your kind words, and interest in my story. It has been such an amazing journey I just HAVE to share!

We start the day with a beautiful sunrise! As I said in Karangu I'm excited ,scared,anxious all rolled up into one! We hike thru more Heath and Moorlands, this was definitely one of my favorite days!!
We reach Barafu early, about 12ish, the wind is really cranking:) but I have to say this is my favorite camp, cause it's at the base of the most beautiful mountain!!
Kristi and I both going thru some emotions but we both are doing good. Andrew has us come to cook tent for lunch, it was to windy to put up our dinner tent. So we get to hang out with the guys.
We do our health check, Again my oxy level is low 87/90...I must be anxious. My heart rate is never high:-)
We go thru the regime of questions, Last pee(was it clear), nauseous,headache(so thankful I don't have a headache today),
Faustine fixes us a curry vegtable stew...I have to say with nerves, and 6 days on the mountain the food is starting to make me nauseous...Andrew says we have to eat or we don't climb...never been forced to eat before:)
When we arrived at Barafu we packed for the summit push...I also have gotten in the habit of putting ALL my clothes, phones and cameras in the sleeping bag with me, to keep warm. We have had a terrible time keeping our batteries up. If I could give anyone advice take LOTS of extra batteries.
We do have a solar panel that as been keeping my phone charged. So we spent the afternoon in the cook tent with the boys. I'm taking several things from home to the summit so they are very curious. I'm taking a EP News, they got a kick out of seeing the pictures in the newspaper. We also played around with my phone, they Loved looking at all my pictures and videos of my home and family. We got alot of laughs that afternoon. I am also taking a Rotary hat with my Interact pin, and Paul Harris pin. I tried to explain what Rotary is...My mom also sent me two heart necklaces one says daughter, and the other mother. Victor is so sweet to me, my necklaces got tangled alot so he would take them off, untangle and put them back on for me! I'm also wearing an Ed's Cantina shirt.
Andrew wants us to rest so we get into out tent, we put on eyemask, and ear plugs, the wind is SO strong and loud. Wake up time is 10:00 p.m. Of course I did not sleep but I did rest. Oh my gosh did I mention wind!! at 10 it is so strong you can hardly stand up, and it's COLD! The bathroom if you can call it that, was perched on the side of the mountain, hanging over the cliff...we decided to go for the rocks again.
We had quite the commotion in the tent, and both very anxious. When you have so many clothes on it's hard to move and harder to "pee"!! We did bring a pee bottle if it was to cold to leave the tent...
Niko brings us hot tea and cookies, I can hardly get anything down. I could not find my Baklava so was very cranky...and it was in my pack the whole I was able to wear it, don't know why I got so excitiable..
Before we know it Andrew is saying "twende, twende! It means ready....Again I can not stress the wind is incredible, loud cold and a very dark night.
We are out maybe 10 min and Kristi is not doing well....We pray, and see the next steps...should I go on without her, I was torn but the summit is right in front of me...Andrew is anxious to go and so am I we headout with mixed emotions. We both have headlamps on, and stay close together, I realize in all the confusion I did not take my diomox, I'm afraid to tell Andrew for fear he"ll make me go back...hope I have enough in my system for 19000 ft. We get to a wall that has to be climb, my heart rates sky rockets, I'm really scared. There is a women having a panic attach and crying being brought down. Andrew trys to calm me, we make it to the top of the wall and again another women is crying and throwing up, two men are carrying her down too....I can't breathe, I'm paniced but moving....
The story continues one step at a time to the Top!

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