Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Paradise in the middle of Africa!

We make it thru the first safari day! It was fun but again, not the mountain...
We arrive at Haven's Nature safari camp...we come to a gate. We enter into a paradise in the middle of A frica, the flowers, foliage, and most of all the people are amazingly kind and welcoming! Their names are Israel, and Ismael.
They have hand washing water waiting for us, snacks(more popcorn), with hot tea, or cocoa.
Then they let us know out "tent" is about ready...had no idea what to expect?! Wow was I ever surprised and SO thankful!
It is absoluteyl beautiful, and romantic:) We take the tour of the tent, it is so clean, and the bathroom is even more than in the town of Moshi! I know I'm obsessed with bathrooms...:)
The view is outstanding and almost brings tears to my eyes. We find out we are staying for 2 nights!
They ley us know we have time for a rest, and then dinner...we'll see if my stomach is ready?
It's not...so Kristi enjoys dinner and I enjoy a quiet evening in the tent! The birds, and animals are fun and soothing to listen too!
I get to also enjoy a "hot" shower first one in africa!

The journey continues one step at a time From the top!!

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