Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Karangu Camp

Good Morning!

Karangu camp 4250m (13,944ft) alt gain 60m (1962 ft)
Arrived at camp a bit tired but still excited to see what is next! This was suppose to be a short day...but it did'nt feel like it! When we arrived the clouds were low and dense but as it cleared "she" was so beautiful and alluring! I have to continue to pinch myself and say wow I'm on the side of Mt Kilimajaro!!
Kristi and I have both been amazed by the scenery we have seen!
Andrew and Justo have taken such tender care of us, they do their jobs well!
I can't say enough about the crew!

We arrived around lunch time, of course a wonderful meal, and then we climb into our warm sleeping bags and rest until 4:00 for another UP climb to acclimatize.
Andrew comes to get us and I'll be honest we were both alittle cranky after getting warm and sleeping!
We climb about an hour....Pole-Pole, so slowly, this really tested me:) These words will ring in my ears from now on hiking!

We come down and watch the sun fade, so beautiful! Niko brings hot water to wash up, We have been using ALOT of wet wipes so I think the guys think we don't wash:) Andrew actually reminds us to wash our butts:)! Dinner is served. Our health check is good, my oxyen level dropped to 87/105 for the first time and my pulse was really high for me, but still feeling good! I really did'nt feel anxious but must have been.
Another bathroom story, the outhouse is a ways away so we again improvise with a large rock behind our tent....remember I shared privacy is limited, well another hiker decided to use the same rock:) We had to laugh over that one! Modesty out the window!
Off to bed and a bit of reading, as I read my devotional one of the sentences caught my eye in big bold letters..."He is rich who is satisfied with what he has". Wow this rang SO true, I'm so rich, and blessed!

I have to say these 4 days on a mountain (even Africa in general) has really stretched me and shown me how strong I can be. We get so used to our comforts we don't realize whats OUT here in our world!
Up early and preparing for day 5 Barafu....we will be pushing for the Summit tonight, scared, anxious, excited all wrapped up together! Oh how I wish I could call home and share!

The journey continues one step at a time, see you at the Top!

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