Sunday, March 31, 2013


Happy Easter!!

Our last safari day...Tarangerie reminded me of driving in rocky mtn natl park looking for elk, but here we are looking for elephants, lions, and giraffes:)
We left Haven Nature, after a breakfast of toast, honey and tea...just can'y seem to swallow much else:)
The drive to Tarangerie is a bit barren, and hot...
We see Lots of elephants, giraffe's, and Impala, the one thing we did'nt see is a Semba(male lion).
After driving for hours, we come to an over look and have our boxed lunch...As Kristi and I find a shaded spot we notice several monkeys, they look so cute until...The race out of the tree and grab Kristi's sandwich wrapper and we were stunned and laughing, he comes again and takes her pancakes:) Time to move!
The day is hot but the adventure is the long drive back to Moshi town. We are on the road for about an hour and a terriible rain storm is upon us....I have been nervous about driving in Africa from the beginning, but this was so scary, the wipers hardly keep up! Just prayed quietly and Had to trust Frank's driving:-)
We make it back to Moshi, unpack, everything I own is SO dirty, so a little hand washing in order...We put out underwear discreetly over the back of a chair on our porch...head over to the dining room for some pizza and a Tusker beer. As we return the maid that cleans our room gives us a big smile...she had put our underwear in the sun all over the lawn:) Just had to smile at her and say Ashanti Sana!!(thank you very much)
A quiet evening of reading and reflection....
I continue to review in my mind the word 'Freedom"...What is freedom?? I was blessed into a generation of really not needing much, but Having so much!

My journey one step at a time From the top!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Crater!

As we approach the miracle of Easter it reminds me of my 2nd safari day!
Nogoro Nogoro crater was a mountain taller than Mtn Kilimanjaro, and then imploded and is now a beautiful self contained paradise for the animals and the Maasi tribe that has lived there for hundreds of years. They do not need to leave the crater because all that is needed is right there....what a miracle from such a huge disaster! We serve an amazing God!
As we stood on the rim it was a gorgeous site. This is my favortite safari day. The breeze is cool, and the birds started my day with beautiful songs!
I was up before the sun, and what a sight to see it rise...I know I always talk about the "Gift" but each day is so exciting to open!!
I'm feeling really goos today, still not eating much, breakfast was eggs, hot dogs, fruit, toast and pancakes...the toast with homemade honey was all that would go down:)

We make the drive to the park entrance and descend into the crater, so green and lush, animals every where! A life expeirence i won't forget...
I'm going to share some words from my journal that I wrote on this morning...

My eyes are wet, and my heart is full, I'll never forget the color, the feeling of sunrise! Uhuru was my "Freedom" the barrier has been broken! What is Freedom...Alive, Life, Love, Change,Unordinary. The birds singing this morning are free to create a new melody each and every day and so am I! The sunrise begins the gift to be opened today! What will it's like christmas morning anticipating the tearing open, and "whats inside" remember the excitement you felt!

Enjoy your day, and open your "Gift" with anticipipation and excitement!!

The story continues one step at a time From the top!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Paradise in the middle of Africa!

We make it thru the first safari day! It was fun but again, not the mountain...
We arrive at Haven's Nature safari camp...we come to a gate. We enter into a paradise in the middle of A frica, the flowers, foliage, and most of all the people are amazingly kind and welcoming! Their names are Israel, and Ismael.
They have hand washing water waiting for us, snacks(more popcorn), with hot tea, or cocoa.
Then they let us know out "tent" is about ready...had no idea what to expect?! Wow was I ever surprised and SO thankful!
It is absoluteyl beautiful, and romantic:) We take the tour of the tent, it is so clean, and the bathroom is even more than in the town of Moshi! I know I'm obsessed with bathrooms...:)
The view is outstanding and almost brings tears to my eyes. We find out we are staying for 2 nights!
They ley us know we have time for a rest, and then dinner...we'll see if my stomach is ready?
It's Kristi enjoys dinner and I enjoy a quiet evening in the tent! The birds, and animals are fun and soothing to listen too!
I get to also enjoy a "hot" shower first one in africa!

The journey continues one step at a time From the top!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Safari new experience!

Good Morning!!

I have been SO encouraged by all of your comments to my blog and don't realize the connection we all have!
Kristi and I rested, did laundry and read for the rest of the day....Up Saturday morn early and our Safari guide Frank picked us up at 8:30.( by laundry I mean we hand washed, and put our clothes in the sun)
I did great the whole time on the mountain, but I think the water has finally gotten to me...:( I try some taost and tea, we'll see?
We head out for some shopping in Arusha, a larger city about 40 miles away. The ride was again scarier than I can discribe...but we make it! We get to a large grocery store so we can get some snacks, for me the only thing that sounded good was Coke:)
We also had to look for batteries for Kristi's camera, it was a job in it's self..
Went to a hiking store to get Andrew a new backback, we thought it would be easier than tryin to mail from home...we were right!
Finally on the road to Lake Maynara. We stop at a tourist attraction, I always have to buy my grad daughter Callae some jewelery from every she got a silver elephant bracelet!
Still not feelin good so no lunch for me:( it is nothing like the mountain, very hot and humid down here...
As soon as we reach Maynara, our first animal is a baboon, and family:) Basically on a safari you just ride around in an open top jeep and look for animals.
More animals and some beautiful scenery. We saw giraffe, Zebra,Elepants, Impala, again fun to experience but a bit anticlimatic:-)
Boxed lunches are served, still not eating so we give what we don't eat to the local children, loved that part!

After a full day driving we head to a safari tent lodge where we will stay for two nights...
The story continues one step at a time From the Top!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Shower day!!

Good Morning!

We make it to the cottage! I remember my forst thought of this romm 7 days ago...NOW I love it.
Can hardly wait to fel the water pour oer me! We even get to sit down in there:)!

The shower is not the best, and hot water goes quickly,but it has never felt better than to shave my legs! Sorry for ALL the detail but it was so true:)
Haven't had make up on in over a week, still can't do our hair but I at least can put on mascara!! Exciting!
Andrew comes to pick us up at 12:00, he actually stares at both of us....We can clean up!
We head to the Bryson office...I'm so excited I can hardly type...It feels so good to know my family and friends will get an update in a few minutes, we can't get anything back but just the connection feels great.
I actually get teary writing, I have said this before, and I thought of everyone, but I really needed to hear from Michael! He is and always will be my baby boy, and I missed him SO much! I want him to be proud of his Mom! We were limited on time, so I emailed a few and asked them to spread the word...I SUMMITED!! You all must be getting tired of hearing that, but it was, and IS so amazing to me, that I accomplished it!
Andrew takes us back to Bristol...I think what is so fascinating about life is you have people walk into your life that really impact you, and they walk out, and that is it? How can 10 African men change my life....
First I SEE my life, I am SO very Blessed. Yes there are wants, but really I have an abundance!!
Accomplishing a long awaited goal actually go thru a kind of withdrawal?? More on that later.

We go enjoy a Margherita Pizza, and my Kilimanjaro beer...!!

The story continues one step at a time From the Top!!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Last day on the Mountain!

Good Morning everyone!

Up at 5:45 Headed to Mweka gate to sign out today! 5.6 miles to go...
Our last breakfast, porage, pancakes, omlets....I really can not eat one bite:( I'm ready for a piece of toast!
The crew sings to us, I loved this part. After 7 days we have a connection...I will miss them!
On the trail by 8:30, very muddy and slippery trail this morning.
Both of us feeling pretty good.
We gather up what we don'y want to take home, get tips for crew together...I WISH I had more to give!
Care packages will be on there way to Africa:)
We head out, I FINALLY get to break away and hike at my pace...Ilove it! Faustin hikes with me, and it is a Joy getting to know him!
It's a beautiful day, and again mixed emotions. That Hot showers is going to feel good, though!
Arrive at Mweka gate at 10:45, we all sign out at the ranger station...Andrew gets my certicicate!
We are bombarded by African men selling all kinds of trinkets...It's so hard to say NO to them.
We go for another "van" ride with 11 men:) Remember 12 of us have not showered in 7 days, sorry for the graphics!
Make it to Bristol cottages at 11:28...Time for Good Byes...My heart is breaking. I make them get out of the van for hugs! God brings people into and out of your lives for a reason!

We are so anxious to communicate with our Andrew gives us an hour to clean up and will be back to take us to the office to email...

The story continues on step at a time From the top!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mweka camp

We make it to Upper Mweka camp, and I think I'm there....But we just keep going. I hate to be that person who says when are we going to get!! But at this point I'm beyond tired!
I know Kristi is not well either so we are a pair:)
I try to enjoy whats around me, and think about the Summit. Just to pass the time....Andrew keeps wanting to stop and take a rest, but I just want to GO, and get to camp!
We encounter some german hikers that are very rude towards our guys, It really set me off, so thats probably what got me the last mile or so:)

We FINALLY make Mweka camp, it's rainy and muddy, I'm so glad we have had dry great weather our whole trip. We sign in to the ranger station...guess who is right in front of us, yes the german men....I held my tongue:)
We find our camp, and I finally get to do some cleaan up. I don't think I have ever been so dirty, and sweaty! We are almost out of wet wipes....
It felt amazing to take my boots off! We head for the Out house, oh my I keep saying each is bad, but again this one is aweful!! We decide to find tree's again:)

The guys want us to to stay up and visit....we weren't very sociable. Our dinner was soup, panckes, and rice with a  stew....I just can't bring myself to eat it at all! I'm not sure I'll ever be able to eat one of their pancakes again??
Our health check is good, but both of us are empty, so off to our homesweet tent!

The story continues one step at a time From the top!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Heade to Mweka Camp

Good Morning!

After a LITTLE time resting in the tent, packing and just cleaning up...I was so sweaty, and dirty by now, remember it's been 6 days of no shower! I'm thinking of a HOT shower tomorrow about this time!!
It's still so surreal that I have summited!
The sun is out and wind is down a bit but we get our last looks at Barafu camp. As we leave camp we see a skydiver leave the summit...I did a little research and apparently there were about 70 gliding pilots on the summit...only one made a flight and most of the rest had to be recued they stayed on top to long...thats why the resuers were so busy!
Justo got a photo, again disappointed in myself for not getting the camera out, but a bit empty right now;)
We have about 5 to 6 hours of hiking...
The clouds roll off the mountain and now it really cold again, so we bundle up for the decsent... it;s dry, rubble, and we are not so sure footed, so it is a slow go...POLE-POLE!
Faustin had tried to feed me before we left camp but just coul'nt bring myself to eat the food...He was so excited he made a pasta dish.....with several day old mayo, heated it up and put shredded carrots on it....oh my stomach can hardly write about it now. I smiled big and took about 2 bites, my throat just closed up!!
I didn't want to be rude, just could'nt do it!

Several hours in...we have lost the cool mountain air, starting to get hot and humid...
The story contiues one step at a time From the top!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Base camp

After my Slide down the mountain...... We reach upper base camp, reality sets in that this is not just any old mountain to climb! As we approach the camp there are a hand full of rescue people, and a body wrapped up waiting to be evacuated....Andrew inquires about what is hapening. We don't know if it is the man we saw at Stella point, but the rescue people let us know, he died at Stella point. My first thought is of his family, and second thought of his hiking crew...they let us know it is a very busy day for resues, on the mountain today? It brings my minds eye back to so many people I just saw several hours ago struggling to make the summit!
Andrew shares with me the difficulties of being a guide, people pay to summit and don't want to be turned around, but if the guide feels you are not doing well they NEED to get you off the mountain. It makes the reality of life and the climb so real for me. I am so Thankful and Grateful that I was able to complete this hike! I quietly pray for the resuers, guides, and the family as we walk away....Life is fragile.

We begin the climb down the "Wall" that scared me SO much 8 hours before....I know I'm a chicken when it comes to climbing but I'm still amazed I did it! It's a good thing it was dark on the way up:) Many people are being helped down...again Thankfulness washes over me! I can do this!

We make it into camp, I'm SO excited but also anxious to see how Kristi is doing...The crew meets us, and hugs all around! Niko brings out a silver tray, and silver cups! A big bottle of Coke!! my first thought is how did they know it's my favorite...but then I learn this is what you celebrate with to get alot of sugar back in your system! It is ice cold, and tastes GREAT! We toast to our success, and celebrate the victory!! My biggest regret at this point looking back one took pictures of the Victory:( I was so busy talking, drinking Coke that we did not get my camera out... So I hope you can SEE the pictures in your mind from my words!

Then Andrew fills me in on the rest of the day....As I'm reveling in my success, he lets me know I have 11/2 hours to rest...pack and we will be on the trail to Mweka camp, really!?! I was so focused on the Summit goal I guess I didn't pay much attention to the day 5 itinerary:)
Let me share..when you have a summit in site you have alot of excitment and adrenaline flowing, but on the decsent it begins to fade...knowing I have about 7 more miles to hike, down didn't excite me:)

The story continues one step at a time from the Top!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The decent

Good Morning!

I didn't want to leave.....It's time to get down. The sun has now out in it's full color, it's actually warming up!
We make it back to Stella point, and WOW there are so many people coming up!
Several pictures stay in my mind....I saw at least 2 women, and one man literally being carried on either side by porters. I understand wanting to make it but is it worth it?? Remember I discribed how cold and windy, she crests the mountain, and her face is a pasty grey white, her lips are large swollen and blue! I encourage her that she is almost there....she looks right thru me. Andrew says"If she was his client she would be going down"! Several more looking dazed an empty....are they enjoying the Journey??

We take a few more pictures at Stella point, and we begin to make our way down...It is SO step and the ash and rubble are about a foot deep.... I have to say now that I can see "I don't like it!"
I try to go fast but just can't make myself....Andrew who is usually very careful says we are "going together".
He takes a trek pole, I take a trek pole and we hook arms.....There is no POLE-POLE going on now...
I love to climb mountains but the decent  is very hard  when it is so steep! Everyone is running down this mountain...why?? I later learned you come down as fast as you can, so you don't get sick, ok if THEY say so?!? As I shared we hang on too each other and run and slide...the dust covers me...even my tongue is slick from the dust!
It's finally warming up, the sun feels so good!! There is a girl the we keep leap frogging, she is very exhausted and freezing still, her porter doesn't seem very supportive...It makes me so thankful to have Andrew as my guide, He is very caring!
As we slide down about 2 miles, we finally get a rest...we can see base camp! We share a Tatanka bar, My stomach is definitely not ready for food!

It took 6 hours to get up this mountain, and we are almost to be down in 2???

The story continues one step at a time From the Top!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

More thoughts from the Top!

No other words....Thankful and Grateful, this was the devotion my sister read on summit day...this is not a coincidence.. I think it's a Godcidence!!

... I am all about you, to bless and restore. Breathe Me in with each breath. The way just ahead of you is very steep. Slow down and cling tightly to My hand. I am teaching you a difficult lesson, learned only by hardship.

Lift up empty hands of faith to receive My precious Presence. Light, Life, Joy, and Peace flow freely through this gift. When your focus turns away from Me, you grasp for other things. You drop the glowing gift of My Presence as you reach for lifeless ashes. Return to Me; regain My Presence.

We had been trying for the last 7 days to get some kind of communication with family, when I got down from the summit 4 texts also came thru, nothing else came in or out except people who love me came thru!!!

As I have shared I took many things from home to summit with me. My home and community mean so much I wanted to share this experience! We also prepared "Weapons of Rebellion" things in my life that hinder my progress forward, or at least put a road block in the way of my journey....I worked on my rebellion from October until now...I wrote them down on index cards so I could bury them up there, because of time, and excitement that did'nt happen. So I'm making a concious effort to bury them now!
Mount Kilimanjaro or Uhuru is it's true means "Freedom", Tanzania was liberated in 1961, the people became free!
While I was on the Top, I thought of my Dad, Mom, Doug, Deanne, and Mike...and most of all my son Michael!

I can remember my thoughts so well...I hope Michael is proud of me! I know it sounds crazy but I could "feel" the love and support of my family and friends it was almost physical!

20 minutes or so go by up there and Andrew is anxious to get me down...I look Long and hard to remember in my minds eye the Miracle of His creation! I also want to remember the Victory! We begin the descend....It's so much easier because first the sun is out, even though it's windy and cold it's bearable:)

The story continues one step at a time from the Top!!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Headed to Barafu

Good Morning everyone...I just want to say Thank you for all of your kind words, and interest in my story. It has been such an amazing journey I just HAVE to share!

We start the day with a beautiful sunrise! As I said in Karangu I'm excited ,scared,anxious all rolled up into one! We hike thru more Heath and Moorlands, this was definitely one of my favorite days!!
We reach Barafu early, about 12ish, the wind is really cranking:) but I have to say this is my favorite camp, cause it's at the base of the most beautiful mountain!!
Kristi and I both going thru some emotions but we both are doing good. Andrew has us come to cook tent for lunch, it was to windy to put up our dinner tent. So we get to hang out with the guys.
We do our health check, Again my oxy level is low 87/90...I must be anxious. My heart rate is never high:-)
We go thru the regime of questions, Last pee(was it clear), nauseous,headache(so thankful I don't have a headache today),
Faustine fixes us a curry vegtable stew...I have to say with nerves, and 6 days on the mountain the food is starting to make me nauseous...Andrew says we have to eat or we don't climb...never been forced to eat before:)
When we arrived at Barafu we packed for the summit push...I also have gotten in the habit of putting ALL my clothes, phones and cameras in the sleeping bag with me, to keep warm. We have had a terrible time keeping our batteries up. If I could give anyone advice take LOTS of extra batteries.
We do have a solar panel that as been keeping my phone charged. So we spent the afternoon in the cook tent with the boys. I'm taking several things from home to the summit so they are very curious. I'm taking a EP News, they got a kick out of seeing the pictures in the newspaper. We also played around with my phone, they Loved looking at all my pictures and videos of my home and family. We got alot of laughs that afternoon. I am also taking a Rotary hat with my Interact pin, and Paul Harris pin. I tried to explain what Rotary is...My mom also sent me two heart necklaces one says daughter, and the other mother. Victor is so sweet to me, my necklaces got tangled alot so he would take them off, untangle and put them back on for me! I'm also wearing an Ed's Cantina shirt.
Andrew wants us to rest so we get into out tent, we put on eyemask, and ear plugs, the wind is SO strong and loud. Wake up time is 10:00 p.m. Of course I did not sleep but I did rest. Oh my gosh did I mention wind!! at 10 it is so strong you can hardly stand up, and it's COLD! The bathroom if you can call it that, was perched on the side of the mountain, hanging over the cliff...we decided to go for the rocks again.
We had quite the commotion in the tent, and both very anxious. When you have so many clothes on it's hard to move and harder to "pee"!! We did bring a pee bottle if it was to cold to leave the tent...
Niko brings us hot tea and cookies, I can hardly get anything down. I could not find my Baklava so was very cranky...and it was in my pack the whole I was able to wear it, don't know why I got so excitiable..
Before we know it Andrew is saying "twende, twende! It means ready....Again I can not stress the wind is incredible, loud cold and a very dark night.
We are out maybe 10 min and Kristi is not doing well....We pray, and see the next steps...should I go on without her, I was torn but the summit is right in front of me...Andrew is anxious to go and so am I we headout with mixed emotions. We both have headlamps on, and stay close together, I realize in all the confusion I did not take my diomox, I'm afraid to tell Andrew for fear he"ll make me go back...hope I have enough in my system for 19000 ft. We get to a wall that has to be climb, my heart rates sky rockets, I'm really scared. There is a women having a panic attach and crying being brought down. Andrew trys to calm me, we make it to the top of the wall and again another women is crying and throwing up, two men are carrying her down too....I can't breathe, I'm paniced but moving....
The story continues one step at a time to the Top!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Karangu Camp

Good Morning!

Karangu camp 4250m (13,944ft) alt gain 60m (1962 ft)
Arrived at camp a bit tired but still excited to see what is next! This was suppose to be a short day...but it did'nt feel like it! When we arrived the clouds were low and dense but as it cleared "she" was so beautiful and alluring! I have to continue to pinch myself and say wow I'm on the side of Mt Kilimajaro!!
Kristi and I have both been amazed by the scenery we have seen!
Andrew and Justo have taken such tender care of us, they do their jobs well!
I can't say enough about the crew!

We arrived around lunch time, of course a wonderful meal, and then we climb into our warm sleeping bags and rest until 4:00 for another UP climb to acclimatize.
Andrew comes to get us and I'll be honest we were both alittle cranky after getting warm and sleeping!
We climb about an hour....Pole-Pole, so slowly, this really tested me:) These words will ring in my ears from now on hiking!

We come down and watch the sun fade, so beautiful! Niko brings hot water to wash up, We have been using ALOT of wet wipes so I think the guys think we don't wash:) Andrew actually reminds us to wash our butts:)! Dinner is served. Our health check is good, my oxyen level dropped to 87/105 for the first time and my pulse was really high for me, but still feeling good! I really did'nt feel anxious but must have been.
Another bathroom story, the outhouse is a ways away so we again improvise with a large rock behind our tent....remember I shared privacy is limited, well another hiker decided to use the same rock:) We had to laugh over that one! Modesty out the window!
Off to bed and a bit of reading, as I read my devotional one of the sentences caught my eye in big bold letters..."He is rich who is satisfied with what he has". Wow this rang SO true, I'm so rich, and blessed!

I have to say these 4 days on a mountain (even Africa in general) has really stretched me and shown me how strong I can be. We get so used to our comforts we don't realize whats OUT here in our world!
Up early and preparing for day 5 Barafu....we will be pushing for the Summit tonight, scared, anxious, excited all wrapped up together! Oh how I wish I could call home and share!

The journey continues one step at a time, see you at the Top!

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Wall

Good Morning!

As we start the day, the sunrise was absoulutely stunning...the wind blew so hard last night I did not sleep much, but when I peeked out the tent...WOW! What a Gift to wake up too!
We begin the prep for the day, it's very cold. It's not that we are not used to cold living in's just 24/7 in it is hard:)
The morning is filled with excitement for the "Wall" little did I know this would stretch me today...
I have taken pictures and videos but never in my did I realise the "climbing we would be doing until I'm on it!

Andrew wants us on the trail by 8:30, we are waiting for them to get started...:)
The camp breaks down fast so we are off. Andrew goes first, then Kristi, and I. Justo brings up the back.
We start climbing and now I KNOW what climbing the 'Wall" meant. I have my light golves on because the rocks are very cold! As we progress up the wall, the Porters walk around...they are so sure footed, amazing! Again they are all carrying 30 to 60lbs!! The guys are constantly telling us "pole-pole"...they don't have to worry I'm not into FAST on this part:)
We get to a photo spot and I shoot base it really that far down there?!?
We get to a spot where Andrew shows us how to go around the rock slowly, hug the rock, and then kiss it....Of course I get a LITTLE anxious, and end up taking my pack off to make it. People climb rocks all day long...just not this person:) Give me a 20 mile trail any day, just don't put me on exposed rocks!
Ok enough complaining I think you get the picture! We make it to the top of the wall and I am overjoyed!!
The view of Kilimanjaro is maybe it WAS worth it!
We stop for a snack and break...Oh how I wish I had more food to give away, so many porters with so little...
We look across the valley towards Karangu camp, it looks so doable after what we just accomplished!
The Diomyx is REALLY kicking in today....every other rock"peeing"! The bad part is there is just NOT much privacy:-)!

We make it to the valley and see Karangu....But you can not believe the VALLEY we have to go down and then come back up....very dry loose rumble, not easy to go down, our toes are sore after this one!
Then we make it to the bottom of the canyon...NOW up again, but I would rather go up any day than down such steep grades!
The porters actually have to go down and back to camp for water....
We make it to Karangu Camp we think around 2....of course our snack is ready and waiting. The clouds are low and it's hot chocolate tastes great!!
We get to rest for a few hours before we up climb again:)

The story continues one step at a time to the Top!!