Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lost in the dark...

Good Morning!

I am so glad I journaled while I was on my journey because I could not keep track of my days!
After exploring and Up climbing at Shira we settle in for the eveing.
Faustine prepares us a very nice meal, soup(standard at each dinner) Again the soup stays so hot, it's very comforting:)
We are served by Niko, and takin very good care of by all the guys!
Andrew comes in for our physical check, and to give us the next days itinerary.
My pulse oxy is 95, so I'm still doing great!

As the sun goes down it's cold but not quite as cold as last night:)
During our exploring Kristi and I try to seek out the best "bathroom" area....the out house structure is disgusting...and I mean that in every sense:( I'm sure you all will be interested...there is no toliet paper, so you have to CONSERVE, wet wipes, napkin etc....:)
As we ready for bed we decide we should make a QUICK stop in the trees before we settle in....
If you have ever been in the mountains at night...there are no street, or city lights, and when there is no moon and cloudy it's DARK!
We take a very small flashlight, and head to the is dusk so we can see where we are headed.
After we get done doing our buisness we both realize it's REALLY DARK! Through laughter we head to where we THINK our tent is...
Shira camp is very spread out but it can't be this hard , right??
We search, and search, and search.....going in circles and going to the wrong tents...oh forgot to mention you have to pay attention to tents staked out too:)
Ok....NOW it's really getting cold, wewore no gloves because it was to be a quick pit stop, right!
Kristi syas"I remeber that tent(that we keep running into) I say great where in camp is it located...she says..I don't know:)
We are both getting panicy, and try to decide do we shout...ANDREW....we are lost!! No we decide that will sound crazy....I'm holding the tiny flash light and my fingers are frozen.
We FINALLY go back to bathroom tree area and start over........we see our cook tent the ONLY pointed tent in camp, it was right in front of us!!! I also did not mention we both have very bright head the tent packed nicely in our backpacks:) Note to self...wear your head lamp at night:)
Moral of the story we made it back to our home sweet tent! We both had to put hand warmers in our socks to warm our feet back up!

The journey continues one step at a time to the Top!!


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