Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 3 First day of Hike!

The day arrives to begin the Mount Kilimajaro Hike!!! Up at 6:00, and enjoy our LAST shower for 7 days....even though Bristol cottages tells you 24/7 hot water...luke warm is what we got. I had no idea how wonderful luke warm would feel:)
Kristi and I share a devotional every morning at breakfast...
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened,that you may know...the riches of the glory of His inheritance.    Eph 1:18
It was truly amazing how His words were right on to what we were experiencing!

We enjoy a light breakfast, use the bathroom several times...enjoying the comforts that we really did'nt have any idea how much we would apprciate later:)
We have to leave some of our things and are concerned with the safetly but again we just have to trust...and we did'nt want the proters carrying to much weight.
7 guys arrive to pick us up....You want to talk intimidating...out of my comfort zone.
We have no cell service, no way of communicating...They save the two middle seats in the van for us and our gear....It is hot, the guys have been in the van for awhile....the door closes, let's just say it did NOT smell fresh...and no windows to open:)
Ok do you think we are scared yet?? I also have to say I am SO excited for this climb, mixed emotions:)
We get to experience more of the driving patterns of the people hear, can't express my prayers at the moment...Lord, just get us to the gate safely....

We drive through Machame village, again I had no idea until my eyes where open to this site, much more than poverty to me, it was almost beyond discription... We make it to Machame Gate, our starting point! We are the first few people there...Andrew had warned us we need to be early...he was SO right.
There are so many villagers standing outside the gate just waiting for work...$7 a day to carry 30 to 60lbs on their heads and necks! At all gates in the Park you have to sign in...So we get signed in for the climb. Yep,now it's getting real! Lots of other people have now shown up, it's getting very hectic feeling...
Andrew let's us know we are ready and will proceed with Justo, and he will follow. We leave the Trailhead at 10ish...
Very Humid and hot hike through rain forest, we are dripping wet. Again so many men, and just Kristi and I...Justo has us stop for lunch about 12:30 and provides us with a box lunch...some kind of hamburger meat,egg in a bun, chicken, small banana's(they were so good), we eat little, just to hot.
Long Hard day (mostly due to the heat) mileage was not much, maybe 6 to 7 miles...
We arrive at Machame camp around 3:00ish...We sign in and our campsite, and home sweet home for 7 days is set up and waiting:) I am really excited at this point! I get my first glance at Kilimanjaro!!

The Story continues one step at a time to the Top!!


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