Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Headed to Shira!

Good morning, ready for the journey?!

We are up at 5:00 preparing for our second hike day....beautiful morning! No clouds, as I shared Mount Kilimanjaro can be elusive, but she is beautiful this morning! I'm sure I have to many photos...
Breakfast of eggs(they are completely white) pancakes, fresh fruit that is SO good! Hot coffee on a cold crisp morning, I'm used to my one cup of coffee looking out into the cold:)
We prepared for the day...brushing teeth is just a community affair:)
Andrew did our regular check to make sure we are good for the pulse oxy 95...I think I'll have enough oxygen to make it:) Still not happy taking all these drugs, but it is what it is....No headache!
I'm ready for the day

We head out at 8:00, leaving the rainforest today and heading into the Moorlands. I feel so rested and excited, it is so hard for me to go SLOW....but you who know me well would be proud of me, I stayed behind the guide:) He set the pace.
The views this morning are incredible, my heart is over flowing with Thanksgiving!! Our devotion..
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know...the riches of the glory of His inheritance.  Eph 1:18
It is still so surreal that we are really here!!
Andrew and Justo have been amazing, they are SO kind..they make us feel very special! I will continue to share throughout the story...the Porters are TRULY amazing, with cheerful smiles they get up, tear down the camp, travel with weight of approx 30 to 60lbs on their heads and necks for miles uphill...I want to help evvery single one of them!
We stop for lots of photo ops.
We make it to Shira camp around 1:00ish, not even hungry but they like to feed us so...lunch is served.
oranges, small bananas(they were SO good), soup, pasta w/meat sauce & grilled cheese?? Again you all know me calories are always on my mind...they feed us WAY to much food. They were almost ofended if you did'nt eat:)

It is MUCH colder here at 13k ft, clouds moved in. We explore camp, and then take a rest, we are to up climb at 4:00 to acclimatize to the altitude. Kristi and I have not been able to talk to any family or friends for feels very starnge to be cut off, we are so used to communicating at our fingertips! No service, and now batteries on phones are low, we don't even want to check the time, and lose all battery:) I really miss Michael and want share so much news:) We brought a solar charger so will try to figure out how to make it work, as I said clouds are thick and no sun...
Day 2 has been more than I could have ever imagined and it not over yet...

The Journey continues one step at a time to the Top!!

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