Monday, February 18, 2013

From the Roof of Africa!!

I Summited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 7, 2013 at 6:00 a.m. I made the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, with the help of my Guide Andrew Mandari, Bryson Adventure Tours!
It was with out a doubt the hardest thing I have done....It definitly pushed me outside my comfort zone!
We started the hike at 11:45ish, it was extremely dark, VERY windy and Cold! We got to the walland I had a person in front of me paniced so of course it got my blood pumping! I had to really talk to myself.
We get to the top of the wall, and again another person is sick and frightened....ok now I'm really singing to myself, "Jesus Loves Me". It's the only words I could remember:)

We continue on...Pole-Pole, one SLOW step at a time. There were quite a few head lamps on the trail, but because Andrew and I were a small group we got some momentum going and passed the big groups.
There was a group of 4 in front of us so it gave me perspective of where we were headed. There is no moon so it is very dark, with that being said the stars are abundant!!
We rest a few times and push on....then the next thing I know Andrew's head lamp begins to fail, battieries don't work so well when it is that cold.
He is having a hard time finding trail??? I say to myself...what would I do at 18k ft and no guide? So again I am singing constantly to block out the thoughts:)

We keep looking UP...and I can still see the 4 head lamps, and my thought at this point is when is this STRAIGHT UP going to end?
I turn to look out and the moon is cresting, and amazingly makes me think of my Dad and how close He felt at that moment! It brought tears.
We finally make it ti Stella Point!! 4:55, Andrew is excited about our time, and tells me how strong I am, wow that made me feel terrific!
The other group is also resting there, and one person is having a very hard time with the altitude, again I have to focus and know I feel, and am doing fine!
In Africa everything is by minutes or hours, and Andrew says only a few more minutes until "Uhuru"! As we continue on we crest the Mountain and the wind is even strong, Andrew has to hold on to me to keep me up!
Those few minutes become longer...ok how far is it...then I here a scream of Joy and I know I am close!

We make it to Uhuru Summit!!!! I can't beleive I'm there. I think of my son, and family and friends that got me to the Top with prayer and support!!! It's makes me cry, but Andrew says don't cry your tears will freeze:)
we get photos, and there is so much I want to photo and record but it it so cold I can no longer feel my fingers, Andrew is insistant that we begin the descent...As we turn around the most spectacular daybreak I have ever seen begins to unfold!! God's "Gift" is beyond discription! I have photos so hope the beauty shines thru:)
I'll stop here and continue the decent story next time...stay tuned! This is a REPEAT so enjoys more photos!!

Ash Pit on Kilimanjaro!

From the Top!!

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