Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 2 the journey!

Our First day in Moshi Town, Tanzania...

We slept pretty good, slow and relaxing start to the day. We are ready to explore and see our surroundings!
It was dark and late last evening when we arrived...
The court yard is lush and so green...humid, but not to hot, yet:) Bristol cottages has 2 outdoor eating areas, nothing has walls? I'm definetly not in Colorado.
Breakfast is on the agenda they have a table set up with hot water, milk, some kind of ceral(I think it is shredded wheat) fruit. We order an omelet, and toast because really thats all we could figure out...seemed easy:) The food was not what we expected...But I'm not really sure what I expected?
The eggs are white no yellow to them at all? The best part is the hot water stays SO hot, not like home when you order coffee and 3 minutes later it's getting cold.

We prepare to meet up with Vincent, Andrew, and Justo from Bryson Adventure Tours...they want to go over up coming days! They fill us in on what to expect....I truly had no idea, even though I had been preparing for months??
The generous hosts that they are, Andrew and Justo take Kristi and I on a tour of's a tourist town, how differnet can it be from Estes Park.......OH MY GOSH! Thats about all I could think of as we left the gates of the cottages! The guys are taking us out to lunch to an Italian restaurant, suppose to be very good...My mind is racing, after viewing the town can I really eat at a restaurant here!!
The traffic is mind cross walks, you cross at your own RISK...Remember we don't speak the language, and the guys are hard at time to understand, you don't think i am Out of MY comfort zone!!!
We go to the office to meet Bryson the owner, very nice and happy to see us. The two people that were to climb with us lost their luggae so it looks like it's just Kristi an I.
Ok now for the restaurant, it's Italian serving Indian's and out door eating area again, it's seems We stand out like sore thumbs! We begin to ask questons and get to know Andrew and Justo. So many questions to ask...they have a lot of questions for us too. The food arrives, it looks intersting, of course the guys dive right in, we gingerly begin to taste...IT'S REALLY GOOD! They were right!
We head back to Cottages, wow is it ever hot and humid here! Andrew tells us to be ready at 8:30.
We have a final relaxing after noon, early light dinner...served Masala tea that was SO good!

Off to bed...but of course those of you who know me well, sleep did not happen I was way to excited. Whenever I go on a big hike, sleep eludes me:) I did rest though:) We are right of main street so the noises are very loud...including a Mosaic that prayers are said over a loud speaker:) We also have a friendly Rooster that did'nt really know what time it is...

More to step at a time to the Top!


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