Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lost in the dark...

Good Morning!

I am so glad I journaled while I was on my journey because I could not keep track of my days!
After exploring and Up climbing at Shira we settle in for the eveing.
Faustine prepares us a very nice meal, soup(standard at each dinner) Again the soup stays so hot, it's very comforting:)
We are served by Niko, and takin very good care of by all the guys!
Andrew comes in for our physical check, and to give us the next days itinerary.
My pulse oxy is 95, so I'm still doing great!

As the sun goes down it's cold but not quite as cold as last night:)
During our exploring Kristi and I try to seek out the best "bathroom" area....the out house structure is disgusting...and I mean that in every sense:( I'm sure you all will be interested...there is no toliet paper, so you have to CONSERVE, wet wipes, napkin etc....:)
As we ready for bed we decide we should make a QUICK stop in the trees before we settle in....
If you have ever been in the mountains at night...there are no street, or city lights, and when there is no moon and cloudy it's DARK!
We take a very small flashlight, and head to the is dusk so we can see where we are headed.
After we get done doing our buisness we both realize it's REALLY DARK! Through laughter we head to where we THINK our tent is...
Shira camp is very spread out but it can't be this hard , right??
We search, and search, and search.....going in circles and going to the wrong tents...oh forgot to mention you have to pay attention to tents staked out too:)
Ok....NOW it's really getting cold, wewore no gloves because it was to be a quick pit stop, right!
Kristi syas"I remeber that tent(that we keep running into) I say great where in camp is it located...she says..I don't know:)
We are both getting panicy, and try to decide do we shout...ANDREW....we are lost!! No we decide that will sound crazy....I'm holding the tiny flash light and my fingers are frozen.
We FINALLY go back to bathroom tree area and start over........we see our cook tent the ONLY pointed tent in camp, it was right in front of us!!! I also did not mention we both have very bright head the tent packed nicely in our backpacks:) Note to self...wear your head lamp at night:)
Moral of the story we made it back to our home sweet tent! We both had to put hand warmers in our socks to warm our feet back up!

The journey continues one step at a time to the Top!!


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Headed to Shira!

Good morning, ready for the journey?!

We are up at 5:00 preparing for our second hike day....beautiful morning! No clouds, as I shared Mount Kilimanjaro can be elusive, but she is beautiful this morning! I'm sure I have to many photos...
Breakfast of eggs(they are completely white) pancakes, fresh fruit that is SO good! Hot coffee on a cold crisp morning, I'm used to my one cup of coffee looking out into the cold:)
We prepared for the day...brushing teeth is just a community affair:)
Andrew did our regular check to make sure we are good for the pulse oxy 95...I think I'll have enough oxygen to make it:) Still not happy taking all these drugs, but it is what it is....No headache!
I'm ready for the day

We head out at 8:00, leaving the rainforest today and heading into the Moorlands. I feel so rested and excited, it is so hard for me to go SLOW....but you who know me well would be proud of me, I stayed behind the guide:) He set the pace.
The views this morning are incredible, my heart is over flowing with Thanksgiving!! Our devotion..
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know...the riches of the glory of His inheritance.  Eph 1:18
It is still so surreal that we are really here!!
Andrew and Justo have been amazing, they are SO kind..they make us feel very special! I will continue to share throughout the story...the Porters are TRULY amazing, with cheerful smiles they get up, tear down the camp, travel with weight of approx 30 to 60lbs on their heads and necks for miles uphill...I want to help evvery single one of them!
We stop for lots of photo ops.
We make it to Shira camp around 1:00ish, not even hungry but they like to feed us so...lunch is served.
oranges, small bananas(they were SO good), soup, pasta w/meat sauce & grilled cheese?? Again you all know me calories are always on my mind...they feed us WAY to much food. They were almost ofended if you did'nt eat:)

It is MUCH colder here at 13k ft, clouds moved in. We explore camp, and then take a rest, we are to up climb at 4:00 to acclimatize to the altitude. Kristi and I have not been able to talk to any family or friends for feels very starnge to be cut off, we are so used to communicating at our fingertips! No service, and now batteries on phones are low, we don't even want to check the time, and lose all battery:) I really miss Michael and want share so much news:) We brought a solar charger so will try to figure out how to make it work, as I said clouds are thick and no sun...
Day 2 has been more than I could have ever imagined and it not over yet...

The Journey continues one step at a time to the Top!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Machame Camp

Good Morning!!
Yes still on the first hike day but so much to share....
As I shared we made it to Machame camp about 3:00ish...
we get to do a little exploring....I am learning that if you don't see Kilimanjaro early you usually don't see Her!

Again those of you who know me well know I have an issue with migraines, and this was one of my worries..well you guessed it, I have one?? It was so hot and humid, the excitement, and change, not sure what brought it on but now it's time to deal with it:)
We begin to meet our crew for the next 7 days....We have a waiter, his name is Niko (we can't pronounce his whole name) he greets us with a wonderful friendly smile! Our dinner tent is set up, and they usher us in for our end of hike snack....Popcorn, Mango cookies, hot chocolate all served on a silver tray! I know I just said it was so hot, but WOW did that steaming cup of hot chocolate taste great!
No matter how I feel this just made my day!
Our tent and camp was already set up when we arrived, so after our snack, we climbed into the tent to organize, and rest....we both have narrow mats, tiny pillow and our bags were waiting. I still can not give you the visual picture of these guys carrying our 30+lbs bags on their heads!! So VERY Thankful and Grateful for them!

They let us know dinner will be served at 7:00. The evening begins to turn crisp and cool and the clouds begin to settle....SHE has been so elusive but now we finally really get to see her....I can't take enough photos. Yes I get just a little excited when I see a summit in my sights!
Dinner is served...the menu is fish in a vegi sauce with potatoes and cabbage,lime and was really good! Niko was so attentive! We felt a little out of place being served....
Andrew comes each evening to give us an itinerary for the next day and to check our health.
He goes through a check list of questions, and takes you pulse oxy to see what your oxygen level is...
before we got to Africa we had to start a regimene of Malaria, Diomox( for high altitude), and potassium.
My oxygen level was 93, and pulse was 59...I really felt great, except for the headache:)
Faustine the cook also came in to greet us and check on us and say "Jumbo"!( it means Hi) He has a wonderful mischievous smile!

Niko brings us a tubs of hot water to clean with, but it's hard to figure out how with so many people around.
we decide at this point the importance of wet wipes!! If I can give any advise, DON'T forget your wet wipes!
After a long day it's time to settle in...but we still have to make a bathroom stop before we crawl in!
I also did'nt share, they want you to drink at least 4 to 6 liters of water...side effect of the diomox is you "pee" constantly:) Sorry it gets more graphic as we go...

Ok we are in...I sleep until 1:00, and then again until 2:30...porters talk until late into the night:-)

Up at 5:00....

The Journey continues one step at a time to the Top!


Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 3 First day of Hike!

The day arrives to begin the Mount Kilimajaro Hike!!! Up at 6:00, and enjoy our LAST shower for 7 days....even though Bristol cottages tells you 24/7 hot water...luke warm is what we got. I had no idea how wonderful luke warm would feel:)
Kristi and I share a devotional every morning at breakfast...
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened,that you may know...the riches of the glory of His inheritance.    Eph 1:18
It was truly amazing how His words were right on to what we were experiencing!

We enjoy a light breakfast, use the bathroom several times...enjoying the comforts that we really did'nt have any idea how much we would apprciate later:)
We have to leave some of our things and are concerned with the safetly but again we just have to trust...and we did'nt want the proters carrying to much weight.
7 guys arrive to pick us up....You want to talk intimidating...out of my comfort zone.
We have no cell service, no way of communicating...They save the two middle seats in the van for us and our gear....It is hot, the guys have been in the van for awhile....the door closes, let's just say it did NOT smell fresh...and no windows to open:)
Ok do you think we are scared yet?? I also have to say I am SO excited for this climb, mixed emotions:)
We get to experience more of the driving patterns of the people hear, can't express my prayers at the moment...Lord, just get us to the gate safely....

We drive through Machame village, again I had no idea until my eyes where open to this site, much more than poverty to me, it was almost beyond discription... We make it to Machame Gate, our starting point! We are the first few people there...Andrew had warned us we need to be early...he was SO right.
There are so many villagers standing outside the gate just waiting for work...$7 a day to carry 30 to 60lbs on their heads and necks! At all gates in the Park you have to sign in...So we get signed in for the climb. Yep,now it's getting real! Lots of other people have now shown up, it's getting very hectic feeling...
Andrew let's us know we are ready and will proceed with Justo, and he will follow. We leave the Trailhead at 10ish...
Very Humid and hot hike through rain forest, we are dripping wet. Again so many men, and just Kristi and I...Justo has us stop for lunch about 12:30 and provides us with a box lunch...some kind of hamburger meat,egg in a bun, chicken, small banana's(they were so good), we eat little, just to hot.
Long Hard day (mostly due to the heat) mileage was not much, maybe 6 to 7 miles...
We arrive at Machame camp around 3:00ish...We sign in and our campsite, and home sweet home for 7 days is set up and waiting:) I am really excited at this point! I get my first glance at Kilimanjaro!!

The Story continues one step at a time to the Top!!


Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 2 the journey!

Our First day in Moshi Town, Tanzania...

We slept pretty good, slow and relaxing start to the day. We are ready to explore and see our surroundings!
It was dark and late last evening when we arrived...
The court yard is lush and so green...humid, but not to hot, yet:) Bristol cottages has 2 outdoor eating areas, nothing has walls? I'm definetly not in Colorado.
Breakfast is on the agenda they have a table set up with hot water, milk, some kind of ceral(I think it is shredded wheat) fruit. We order an omelet, and toast because really thats all we could figure out...seemed easy:) The food was not what we expected...But I'm not really sure what I expected?
The eggs are white no yellow to them at all? The best part is the hot water stays SO hot, not like home when you order coffee and 3 minutes later it's getting cold.

We prepare to meet up with Vincent, Andrew, and Justo from Bryson Adventure Tours...they want to go over up coming days! They fill us in on what to expect....I truly had no idea, even though I had been preparing for months??
The generous hosts that they are, Andrew and Justo take Kristi and I on a tour of's a tourist town, how differnet can it be from Estes Park.......OH MY GOSH! Thats about all I could think of as we left the gates of the cottages! The guys are taking us out to lunch to an Italian restaurant, suppose to be very good...My mind is racing, after viewing the town can I really eat at a restaurant here!!
The traffic is mind cross walks, you cross at your own RISK...Remember we don't speak the language, and the guys are hard at time to understand, you don't think i am Out of MY comfort zone!!!
We go to the office to meet Bryson the owner, very nice and happy to see us. The two people that were to climb with us lost their luggae so it looks like it's just Kristi an I.
Ok now for the restaurant, it's Italian serving Indian's and out door eating area again, it's seems We stand out like sore thumbs! We begin to ask questons and get to know Andrew and Justo. So many questions to ask...they have a lot of questions for us too. The food arrives, it looks intersting, of course the guys dive right in, we gingerly begin to taste...IT'S REALLY GOOD! They were right!
We head back to Cottages, wow is it ever hot and humid here! Andrew tells us to be ready at 8:30.
We have a final relaxing after noon, early light dinner...served Masala tea that was SO good!

Off to bed...but of course those of you who know me well, sleep did not happen I was way to excited. Whenever I go on a big hike, sleep eludes me:) I did rest though:) We are right of main street so the noises are very loud...including a Mosaic that prayers are said over a loud speaker:) We also have a friendly Rooster that did'nt really know what time it is...

More to step at a time to the Top!


Thursday, February 21, 2013

From the beginning!

Good Morning!...Jumbo!

I shared the ending first! So I thought I would go back to the beginning since so many friends have hasked for trip details.

Kristi my partner in crime on this journey, and I left Denver for Mn on Thursday Jan 31st. we had a very uneventful flight...which for me was good...if you can believe this I do not like to fly:(
We had a lay over and then on the Amsterdam( 7 to 8 hr flight)..Again all went smooth. I have to say in those big planes when you hit turbulence you dont feel it as much.
We arrived about 7:30 a.m....another lay over and then on to Kilimanjaro Intl!! My heart was so excited at this point. Another 7 to 8 hrs in the air:) I'm doing ok at this point with planes...
The view of Africa from the air is stunning! Even though I don't like to look out the window I could'nt take my eyes off the view!

Ok...Finally the pilot annouces the approch...I have to pinch myself...I'm in Africa and I am going t climb Mtn Kilimanjaro, it's here!! I know I'm a bit passionate but wow what a feeling!
We land on an airstrip and walk to the terminal, it's hot and;s definetly not Colorado:)
I have only been out of the country a few times but when you don't know the language you are a bit insecure...Everyone is flocking to the Immigration window, again no air conf and we still have winter clothes on. I'm sure I looked like a hot mess, but again, I am so excited to be in Africa!
The Immigration people are noy friendly and you can't understand them, sos I feel like I was saying sorry constantly:)
Finally get thru and not we wait for our luggage...even though we are the only takes for ever, this was my first experience of Africa time...just a few more minutes....not:)
Luggage arrives and now we look for our Adventure tour guide....Kristi spots him, and a friendship begins! Andrew is standing there with the biggest smile on his face! We make it out to the van, with 300 other climbers and safari goers... Again it hot humid and we have been flying since yesterday:) I think I am finally tired...
Ok my first anxious moment is just ahead....No one prepared me for the driving skills here in Africa... they drive on the wrong side of the road( ata least to me!) It's dark, and the driver goes like a bat out of....anyway:)
We get out of the airport and head to Moshi Town where we are to stay, as we are getting to know Andrew and asking questions I see a car coming right at guessed it "I scream!" I am sure these two men that don't even know me are thinking, we have a nut case! But really it is coming straight for us...i learned on the rest of the trip when you are on the right side of the highway, it APPEARS the car is headed right for you!

We make it to Bristol Cottages which will be our staging in the dark it looks beautiful!
Had no idea what my surroundings looked like until morning. We setttled in for the night.

Stay tuned the Journey continues...One step at a time to the Top!

Monday, February 18, 2013

From the Roof of Africa!!

I Summited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 7, 2013 at 6:00 a.m. I made the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, with the help of my Guide Andrew Mandari, Bryson Adventure Tours!
It was with out a doubt the hardest thing I have done....It definitly pushed me outside my comfort zone!
We started the hike at 11:45ish, it was extremely dark, VERY windy and Cold! We got to the walland I had a person in front of me paniced so of course it got my blood pumping! I had to really talk to myself.
We get to the top of the wall, and again another person is sick and frightened....ok now I'm really singing to myself, "Jesus Loves Me". It's the only words I could remember:)

We continue on...Pole-Pole, one SLOW step at a time. There were quite a few head lamps on the trail, but because Andrew and I were a small group we got some momentum going and passed the big groups.
There was a group of 4 in front of us so it gave me perspective of where we were headed. There is no moon so it is very dark, with that being said the stars are abundant!!
We rest a few times and push on....then the next thing I know Andrew's head lamp begins to fail, battieries don't work so well when it is that cold.
He is having a hard time finding trail??? I say to myself...what would I do at 18k ft and no guide? So again I am singing constantly to block out the thoughts:)

We keep looking UP...and I can still see the 4 head lamps, and my thought at this point is when is this STRAIGHT UP going to end?
I turn to look out and the moon is cresting, and amazingly makes me think of my Dad and how close He felt at that moment! It brought tears.
We finally make it ti Stella Point!! 4:55, Andrew is excited about our time, and tells me how strong I am, wow that made me feel terrific!
The other group is also resting there, and one person is having a very hard time with the altitude, again I have to focus and know I feel, and am doing fine!
In Africa everything is by minutes or hours, and Andrew says only a few more minutes until "Uhuru"! As we continue on we crest the Mountain and the wind is even strong, Andrew has to hold on to me to keep me up!
Those few minutes become longer...ok how far is it...then I here a scream of Joy and I know I am close!

We make it to Uhuru Summit!!!! I can't beleive I'm there. I think of my son, and family and friends that got me to the Top with prayer and support!!! It's makes me cry, but Andrew says don't cry your tears will freeze:)
we get photos, and there is so much I want to photo and record but it it so cold I can no longer feel my fingers, Andrew is insistant that we begin the descent...As we turn around the most spectacular daybreak I have ever seen begins to unfold!! God's "Gift" is beyond discription! I have photos so hope the beauty shines thru:)
I'll stop here and continue the decent story next time...stay tuned! This is a REPEAT so enjoys more photos!!

Ash Pit on Kilimanjaro!

From the Top!!