Sunday, April 7, 2013

Getting back into the Groove?

Good morning!
My journey continues even from Colorado:)

Have any of you ever had a goal (vacation, school, sports, job, etc...) You planned for it for a long time, and anticipated it for months?? It's finally here...remember the excitement you felt?! Just the anticipation of unwrapping it!
Well thats where I am...I planned for Kilimanjaro for a year, researched, trained, talked with people who had done it, looked at pictures, and read about it.
I just can't seem to get back in the Groove of life? I'm SO thankful and Grateful for my life and what I have but....

Since I have been home, I have been reforming my "Dream" you have one?
I have also been reading...One of the books I have open at the moment is "The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World"
It's time for me to create new goals;
"When you live your life from the standpoint of being of benefit or service to others or mankind ( instead of self interests), or operate from the premise of supporting life and all creation, the universe will respond with ways to benefit and support you."
I'm realizing I'm HERE to help others achieve their goals and desires too!

You have all been here supporting and encouraging write, speak, and share a Dream! Thank You!!
I could not have done Kilimanjaro without your Love and prayers! It was a Joy to have you all Summit with me! I want to help you achieve your Summit too! How can I help? I want to hear your Dreams!

The Journey continues one step at a time From the Top!


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