Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Flight Home...

I started this journey by sharing my love for flying....Not!
So I'll finish the joureney by sharing our experience. First of all we have all been to airports, flown and experienced all travel has to offer! We can't get from there to here without it:)

We arrive at Kilimanjaro airport at 6:00 p.m not knowing if the flight has been canceled...we make it to the ticket counter, I try to be friendly but there is also some anxiety because no one is smiling, and we can't communicate that well...what a feeling:)
I plane is to leave Kili at 10 p.m and fly to Dar Eslam and then on to Amsterdam.
When you fly out of a small African airport it's not like DIA or any other airport in the states. Even thought you wait patiently and are first in line, thats not necessarily the order of things. We board outside and walk up the stairs of the plane.
Our first leg is about and hour, ok I can handle least we are on the way home! The we take off for Amsterdam, about 7 plus hours, time to TRY and sleep... we will arrive in Amsterdam about 7:30 in the goes! I did pretty good, about 4 to 5 hours of some kind of sleep:)
We arrive in Amsterdam and it's valentines day...It's known for it's chocolate and tulips, so there is chocolate everywhere! I wore my Kilimanjaro shirt, and I was amazed at the acknowledgment we got...people really want to know did you climb the mountain, and did you make it?
We find a coffee shop, it said Starbucks but didn't taste like it so, I'm glad I travel with my own "healthy coffee"!
After a 2 hour layover we navigate the the security line....another 8 hour flight ahead of us. We haven't talked  about the fun part the airplane food:) You don't eat on a plane because it looks good, you eat because you need to pass the time! We get a choice of vegetarian or meat...after African food I choose vegetarian!
Ok...we each have our own T.V's so this should be fun to get free movies all the way home, I love movies!
Let me tell you 4 hours into this flight I was SO tired of reading and watching movies from a TINY little space 35k feet in the air...I was like a 2 year old, I could NOT sit still, poor Kristi:)!
Finally approch Minnesota, and another 2 hour layover.
We navigate customs we are in the US, they speak our language, I think it will be a friendly place and welcome us back to the states...NOT so much!
Final leg of the trip is too Denver we are to arrive at 6:00 p.m....ok on this plane I have some leg room but again can't seem to sit still for 2 more hours!
I'm sure you've had eneough of my story today, so more of my journey to come...One step at a time From the Top!!

1 comment:

  1. I had a layover in Amsterdam on my way to Norway and really enjoyed it.
