Friday, April 5, 2013


Good Morning!
After being away from home for over 15 days, airports, country's, bathrooms:),Life experiences...I'm home!
As I have shared my "Dreams" are coming true One step at a Time! I'm encouraging you all to DREAM!
One of the down falls of Big goals is the coming off the high (literaly for me). I have shared with several friends over the last few weeks...I can't seem to find my groove? I feel like it was the most exciting "Gift" 'I have gotten to unwrap and now it's over. Now what do I do?
So I went back to my Dream board and began to restructure...Life is a Journey right, ever changing! I put another mountain on my board and many other "things", but something keeps coming to the fore front...helping other people realize their dreams! It's not a thing...
Sooo I am going to ask for your help...
After my blog, and articles, I have gotten SO much encouragement and feedback to continue to write and speak! Thanks to you all!!
So my next goal is to encourage others to get outside their comfort level and go for life! I want to begin to speak to groups, so if you know of anyone that needs presentators, motivational speaker I'm your girl.
My "story" is not that different but I feel lead to share how to make your Dreams come alive! As I stepped onto that Mountain I knew HE was preparing me for another "comfort change"...I want to help others realize their dreams. There is a passion I cannot explain, but again you all keep encouraging me to share my story.
I definetly never thought of myself as a writer, but I know I have a story to tell. If I can climb a "mountain" anyone can!
I have been home for 6 weeks, yes hard to believe but I have SO much more to share! There is a saying..."When you have a goal go as far as you can see, once you get there you can SEE a little bit further!"

My view is better now! I will continue to share One Step at a Time form the Top, hope to have all of you join me!  Please feel free to share my blog.

Sharing Dreams together, One Step at a Time to the Top!

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