Thursday, July 21, 2016

Which crowd do you fit in...

Have you ever started your day contemplating "who" is your crowd? I have lived in small communities all of my you go thru school, church, business you tend to migrate to the people in those groups. What if you make a complete change in your journey...What "crowd" do I fall into?
If you have insecurities...which I do at times, do you feel judged in the "new" crowd of people, or is it just the opposite do you feel judge and outcast from the old?

As I was running around the lake this morning in this beautiful little community I get to call home...I saw "groups" of ducks quacking nosily away. They seemed to all be getting along except they were in "groups". Which group was the popular crowd? Which were the teenagers, unpopular, and of course kids? With a Flock of birds can we tell? Do they worry about their status?? Does it change how they feel about themselves or other?? I'm really laughing hear...why am I so obsessed with ducks!

So many questions ran thru my head, I even had to stop and observe them. I'm sure this sounds pretty crazy but there must be a reason it's on my heart, or in my head...:)
My Life's Journey is changing daily and I am feeling excited, scared, fearful at times. what do the changes mean. Will I lose my crowd, have I already? Or is my circle just growing with beautiful new, and old faces? Like the duck crowd, it appears they like to ALL stay together but in their specific groups.

I guess I will just enjoy this 'GIFT' of a day, and be Thankful for my 'Crowd" old and new! Maybe that is the true answer...enjoy your moment and your crowd!!

Loving my day!

Monday, April 4, 2016

It's that day again!

Good Morning World!

Yes I had a restless Sunday night...again. Knowing morning was on it's way.
First I have to say I am Thankful and Grateful that I have the "Gift" of life to unwrap today!
I am sitting quietly pondering so many thoughts and memories of the past three days...

Friday was exciting, for one thing it was "Friday" but for the second I was able to enjoy an amazing day in the mountains that I love, and with the people that I adore! We got to the parking lot...wind is blowing like crazy, but really just normal for us:) We encounter so much snow, and views beyond description, God's presence, Family, and new friends along the way!
Friday evening stiff and sore, but feeling fantastic from the hike!
Saturday arrives....Talk about stiff, Tim and I look at each other and just laugh...are we getting old...Heck No!! But wow it's time to get started, another beautiful Rocky Mountain day...4 mile walk and exercise to get us going...what do you call it when you drink to of the dog, that's what we did with exercise!

We get to celebrate the most amazing little boy excited to be apart of celebrating him!!
Mr. "B" is 2!! Time it is a strange thing, You think you are in control...but just look back in time, nope not in control are you?

Sunday a day of worship, quiet, exercise, and family! I am so blessed, Thank you Jesus is what's in my heart!! The message was on family, relationships, Commitment, accountability...It really made me think....I love "family" whether it be a true blood link, Church, Rotary, a writing group, new hiking friends and more....So why is it so hard to participate sometime? Easier to be alone, sure...but so much fun to share the experience with I am sharing it with you, because you are worth sharing the day with!!

Have a joyfilled Monday...Don't dread it but embrace the unwrapping!! Hope your "gift" is amazing today!!

See you at the Top!! Blessings!

Monday, March 28, 2016

New Dawn, New Day!

Good Morning!

So many days start with....a fire, coffee, some writing and a little FB...
It's that day we call Monday..
Can I ask, did you sleep last night, or did you have a MONDAY sleep. That is a wonderful Sunday until evening comes and you know Monday is in just a few hours! Some words that come to mid...Anticipation, anxious, fear, unknown, gear up, Monday mode, new goals, diet...

Do you have these thoughts or is it just me? Do you love the day we call "Monday"? I had never really thought about this particular day until I started writing and realized I anticipate it in an anxious way! Why?? I guess I feel like I could fail, not be strong enough, not be business like enough, not work hard enough....ok with the "enough"...

I am going thru some life changes, and I believe that's one of my Monday is staring me in the face saying...."what are you going to do know?" So I stop and reflect....

We hiked yesterday and experienced God's beauty, and grace...and also HIS might!