Thursday, July 21, 2016

Which crowd do you fit in...

Have you ever started your day contemplating "who" is your crowd? I have lived in small communities all of my you go thru school, church, business you tend to migrate to the people in those groups. What if you make a complete change in your journey...What "crowd" do I fall into?
If you have insecurities...which I do at times, do you feel judged in the "new" crowd of people, or is it just the opposite do you feel judge and outcast from the old?

As I was running around the lake this morning in this beautiful little community I get to call home...I saw "groups" of ducks quacking nosily away. They seemed to all be getting along except they were in "groups". Which group was the popular crowd? Which were the teenagers, unpopular, and of course kids? With a Flock of birds can we tell? Do they worry about their status?? Does it change how they feel about themselves or other?? I'm really laughing hear...why am I so obsessed with ducks!

So many questions ran thru my head, I even had to stop and observe them. I'm sure this sounds pretty crazy but there must be a reason it's on my heart, or in my head...:)
My Life's Journey is changing daily and I am feeling excited, scared, fearful at times. what do the changes mean. Will I lose my crowd, have I already? Or is my circle just growing with beautiful new, and old faces? Like the duck crowd, it appears they like to ALL stay together but in their specific groups.

I guess I will just enjoy this 'GIFT' of a day, and be Thankful for my 'Crowd" old and new! Maybe that is the true answer...enjoy your moment and your crowd!!

Loving my day!

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