Thursday, December 24, 2015

Risk....will you take it?

Good Morning from Ft. Lauderdale...

I just attended a conference that determines your "color"? Do you know what type of a personality you are? I have done many "tests" and pretty much know I am a "Purple"....Emotional, Hugger, Social, Family/Friends, NO conflict, empathetic, Fixer ( ask my son), Change...a bit scary! My second color was Red...Adventure, Fast paced, Determined,  Can't sit still, Social, Impatient, Change....didn't I say scary a minute ago?
Really if I look at me in the mirror I am multicolored in so many areas....Are you a "Rainbow" of personality?

I love learning and stepping outside my comfort zone, but I am also a "constant"...I want to know what is coming next. Especially when it comes to travel. This is where my confusion in my color comes in...

We finished our conference in Key West, we met many new friends, learned a lot, and also many new opportunities! We contemplated staying one more day, but that wasn't our itinerary...So we get to the airport in the Keys and say good bye to John and start the process of getting back to Estes, and home...I was a bit nervous because we would be flying on a prop plane...and it's "Pink"! Tim laughs because he knows me so well...

We are headed to Ft Lauderdale...The plane takes off into the puffy whites clouds, my first thought will it be bumpy?? Is that really a "Red"?

We make it to Ft Lauderdale in 50 minutes...yes a few bumps but nothing in hind sight I couldn't handle...remember I need to see what is ahead!
The new airport is small so no stress on what gate and where do we go. We meet the nicest "new" friend and her daughter...guess where she is from Estes...Small world! So we have a companion to fly to Colorado!

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