Thursday, December 24, 2015

Risk....will you take it?

Good Morning from Ft. Lauderdale...

I just attended a conference that determines your "color"? Do you know what type of a personality you are? I have done many "tests" and pretty much know I am a "Purple"....Emotional, Hugger, Social, Family/Friends, NO conflict, empathetic, Fixer ( ask my son), Change...a bit scary! My second color was Red...Adventure, Fast paced, Determined,  Can't sit still, Social, Impatient, Change....didn't I say scary a minute ago?
Really if I look at me in the mirror I am multicolored in so many areas....Are you a "Rainbow" of personality?

I love learning and stepping outside my comfort zone, but I am also a "constant"...I want to know what is coming next. Especially when it comes to travel. This is where my confusion in my color comes in...

We finished our conference in Key West, we met many new friends, learned a lot, and also many new opportunities! We contemplated staying one more day, but that wasn't our itinerary...So we get to the airport in the Keys and say good bye to John and start the process of getting back to Estes, and home...I was a bit nervous because we would be flying on a prop plane...and it's "Pink"! Tim laughs because he knows me so well...

We are headed to Ft Lauderdale...The plane takes off into the puffy whites clouds, my first thought will it be bumpy?? Is that really a "Red"?

We make it to Ft Lauderdale in 50 minutes...yes a few bumps but nothing in hind sight I couldn't handle...remember I need to see what is ahead!
The new airport is small so no stress on what gate and where do we go. We meet the nicest "new" friend and her daughter...guess where she is from Estes...Small world! So we have a companion to fly to Colorado!

Christmas Eve and Jesus

Good Morning, and Happy Birthday Eve to you Jesus!!

This truly is one of my favorite times of the year! Jesus, Family, Friends, Gifts of my Journey, Memories!

Christmas is a time to stop enjoy...I am enjoying my quiet and coffee now:)
Isn't it amazing how God planned this time of year...we have all been running, trying to create, succeed, plan our next move...thinking all along "this" is the most important event in our lives. It's really not, at least I think this season helps us to remember that!
Thank you Jesus for being our Salvation and Gift! I am more than Thankful my parents shared Jesus and his love with me at a young age...and that my journey grows in Him daily!

As I reflect on some things that occurred this year I am even more Thankful I get to be here and enjoy and take it all in...It reminds me also of my Dad, I know he is happy and joy filled in heaven but we miss a physical hug right here! He would be chuckling right now with the anticipation of seeing Michael and his family...and all of his kids and grandkids!

Back to my reflection....I ran hard this year with the ever changing river of this healthcare system, holding hands, being in anguish, and trying to stand in the gap for those in need...It took a toll that I was not prepared for. I have always been mindful of my health and exercise, but you never really know when that might change.
In the busiest time of my work season, I woke up feeling not first thought is pull up your boot straps and get to work, people are relying on you! By 12:00 I knew something was very the journey began. I learned how my business works from the inside out! I am also NOT in control...
My surgery was scheduled for 11:00 p.m. I still can not believe it was me being prepped for surgery...
My amazing husband taking the reigns of calm, and amazing family and friends picked up the Prayer support! Results were very thankful!
I can not thank my family, friends and community enough for your tender came in visits, prayers, food, cleaning my house, storing food for later, work, and clients & friends sending flowers.
Other friends shopping for us! I am a much better giver than receiver, but I have never been more Thankful for each and every one of you!
Jesus was present each moment of the way....

Enjoy your Moments today, don't take them for granted...TODAY is your Gift to unwrapped...slowly with anticipation and eagerness of a child!...Do you remember that feeling? Squint your eyes tonight at the  lights on the tree and feel the love and excitement seep in...

Thank you for my Gift of Salvation, and most of all your Gift to our world of YOU!

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Good Morning World!

Gratitude is where my heart is.....It has been the "longest" journey in the last two weeks!
I am so very Grateful for Family, Friends, and Opportunities....I am a very healthy and active person, and really pride myself on that. I have always had the attitude that sickness is a weakness.
I know, I know sometimes I let Pride get in the way!

I love to Hike, Run, exercise, eat well( most of the time...:) Shouldn't that be enough??
Shouldn't that keep me "healthy"?? Well I got a wake up call in the past 10 days.
I willed myself to get over the pain, but by Tuesday afternoon I knew something was very wrong...Again Thankful and Grateful for a husband that listens, loves, and takes charge!

After talking with a local Dr, who was so caring and sensitive....We were told I need a CT scan, my mind is racing at this can I get out of this. If I just stay positive enough I'll be home soon!
We sit in an imagery room for 31/2 hours waiting....My Ins self kicks in and I know I will stay in control....Right? Wrong, it;s time to get the scan done. What does that look like, feel like, what will the results be? Well I can tell you one thing, There will be no surgery for me, no matter what!

10:30 p.m...Prepping for surgery, is this really "me" in this bed, in this position. My sweet and amazing husband, praying and consoling me that all will be ok..
I will stay in control....right?? wrong....Grateful was not the word that came to mind.

Well 12 days later and days of quiet, rest, and pacing myself. Gratitude is the word for sure!
The word Benign has never sounded so good, my family and friends to my rescue, my amazing husband working hard to take care of our family...Yes Gratitude is the word!!

Have you been here? Can you relate....I couldn't have said this 13 days ago!

With a Grateful heart, and healthy...healing body!

I have arrived at a false summit, but I know the climb will be worth it!!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Quiet of the Morning!

Good Morning!

As I sit in the quiet of the morning I reflect on the beauty that I open my eyes too! God is an amazing artist and creator of a day!
My mind also drifts to the day at hand. Relationships of long past.The days were really no different, just different circumstances. I am remembering days of stress and trials...but I am sure now in my older age of wisdom "I" created it.

People all thru the pat of my life were here for a reason, and I for them. Could not have gotten thru so many of those dark wintery days without "grandma" Carolyn! She had a warm cozy house, and a warmer heart for Michael and I!

I still saw the same moon fade away...and the beautiful glow of the sun in the east begin it's slow ascent. It was a "gift" then as it is a "gift" now.I think I get to enjoy it more in is rise now...

As the clock turns the momentum of the day begins...What will the day "unwrap"? I am excited to see whats behind the beautiful shiny wrapping and stylish bow!
Each step, each breath is beyond our comprehension,But we can also take it for granted.
Today is a "new" day and I will "live" it with the joy it was created!

Thank you, Father for the beauty to behold, and the gift!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Waterfall of a day

Good Morning World...

  Do you ever have days, turning into weeks that are good, but something is missing, or just status quo?
My life is truly a "Gift" everyday, but I tend to let the everyday of life get in my way!
As I began to write this morning it reminded me of waterfalls.....surprise that hiking comes to my mind...:)

As you near the falls through your heavy breathe you hear the faint sound of water falling. My first thoughts is it a big waterfall or just a small one? Drawing near you can almost feel the humidity from the spray, it must be a big one! You dig in on the uphill climb with anticipation!
There it is...beautiful and dramatic site. Where does the water come from, how did the rocks move and shift to lay in their own puzzle formation?
My eyes are drawn to the top, glistening sun creates a glimmer that is indescribable.
The spray is soaking me but can't or don't want to move, it feels cold, refreshing, but also powerful and daring!

I see so many avenues for the water to flow, some meandering to the sides finding their own quiet place, the main water is powerful and direct knowing exactly where it wants to has purpose.
The rocks are glistening like diamonds, others are covered with a velvety soft green of the moist moss. Creation is overwhelming with it's beauty, with it's gift to give.

If I don't make the decision to get out and hike, I miss this amazing experience of life!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

As the Day begins!

Thank you Lord for another amazing beginning! The "Gift" will be extraordinary today!
The sun is out bright and clear...after weeks, it seems, of cloud and cool. It crisp, and clear and new today!
Tim actually gets to join me in a day filled with work, adventures, meeting family, and an appointment to make some changes!
I love spending time with my best friend, he inspires me to push on...but also we get to open doors of the day together!

I am so Thankful today for life, and the abundance of it! I am healthy, Happy and truly alive! What more can I ask...Yes there is "life" behind these words, but after some quiet meditation, it's ok to have those "life" experiences because they do strengthen you. Thank you, for sharpening my sword!

Looking forward to the sights and sounds of everything offered!

Monday, June 8, 2015

My Daily Summit

Good Morning World...

I start so many days with a question....Do You?
What do I want, What is my desire, What is my Passion?? Will I be Successful?

One day I think I have it, and the days are amazing, then I have a "shift" of a day and can not figure out where it goes....Do you ever have those days?
So many prayers have and are being answered, and yet I can be like the Desert people....and wander all over looking for more, what's more? I am truly ashamed to say those words, but just want you to really see "ALL" of my journey!

I am committing to listen, and be productive, instead of sit and be stagnant. It is kind of like a's Monday so better get started:)
My run this morning was filled with more than the eye can behold... healthy body,smiling people, animals, sounds that make you listen in awe, sunshine, gentle breeze, rushing can this be a "grey" day?
Because I started the "summit" experience without a plan, and thinking I am not capable of achieving as other are this fine Monday. My visual is...EVERYONE is busy and happy, and productive except me....
The one thing in life I dislike the most is a victim...whoa did I have to look in the mirror this morning.

When I prepare for the Summit, I know I have to get organized and set a plan in motion....Where do I want to go, which mountain? Check my mind for memories...have I been there before? Look into the discription, miles, elevation gain, area....I pick a day, and time...I like to get started early due to the storms that could roll in. Food, what should I take? Clothing, definitely need the rain gear, and winter gear( you never know), need to layout what is need, refresh the many times have you looked in your pack and found dried out this is sounding a lot like Life:)

So know I am preparing the food, egg salad sounds good, and of course have to have Peanut m&m's...can't travel a trail without them.

Stay tuned for the "Hike"

Have ana amazing day...See you at the Top!!


Thursday, May 21, 2015

One Step at a time!

Good Afternoon...

Springtime in the Rockies....We have seen Fires, Floods,Snow and a lot in between....One of the things we have not seen for some time, the Sun! It continues to rain, and snow, even tho in the Valley they are seeing flowers, and green grass.
That is Mountain living for you!

I am NOT complaining, I am BLESSED to call the Mountains my home and backyard...thus my Passion for the "Summit" experience!
It has now been two years since kili....Everest Base camp was on the calendar for last October 2014...due to Sherpa's lose of life, and now the earthquakes in Nepal. My heart is with the team's and the villages of Nepal, would love to make the journey... Everest base camp will stay on my Dream board, but working towards another Summit!

My "summit" right now is to actually write about my journey. I have been at the trailhead, still contemplating the hike, but just can't seem to take that first step. I can smell the tree's, fell the cool breeze rustling thru the tree's, and hear the birds in the distance, what's holding me back.......So here goes.
I have looked at the map long enough, it's time to start this journey! I am so Thankful for the encouragement from so many...we think our lives are mundane and unexciting, but we ALL have so much to share!


gerund or present participle: hiking
  1. 1.
    walk for a long distance, especially across country or in the woods.
    "we planned to hike another mile up a steep trail"
  2. 2.
    pull or lift up (something, especially clothing).
    "he hiked up his sweatpants and marched to the door"
    synonyms:hitch up, pull up, hoistliftraise
    informalyank up
    "Roy hiked up his trousers"

See you at the Top!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Journey continues...

Good Morning!

I have such good intentions...Do you have "intentions of getting a routine going...? Then 1,2, or 3 years pass and there it is...not completed?

My "Intention" for my Dream Board to Summit was/is to inspire others to reach for their Dreams!
"Inspire....IN-SPIRE...verb, to encourage somebody to greater effort,enthusiasm,or creativity. to awaken a particular feeling in somebody
Latin...Inspire to Breathe...

My journey has met many false summits since my Kilimanjaro experience, I have veered from the path, and had to find my way back from the bushwhack....I always have my eye on the Summit but there are times in my journey that I can only see the false summit. I get excited because I'm still on the Mountain of life, a bit weary at times, but I'm still moving forward...are you? Can I help in anyway to guide and encourage?

It is March...Spring is in the air, birds are singing happily....Am I happy, Inspired? I have the most amazing peace in my life is so calm I almost feel like it's not right? I have a wonderful best friend to share my journey with....answer to a prayer that I have had for over 13 years!
I am actually sitting still and writing, and so excited to share! I could not have done this 1 month, 6 months, or a year ago. So I am Thankful and Grateful for this moment of realization...

Dream Board to Summit and back...


Saturday, January 24, 2015

New Year....From Dream Board to Summit

Two years ago this week we stuck out to accomplish a goal that was unreal for me.....

I relive it because it was So outside my box of comfort! Now the joy has been to share ot, and speak to many groups on "being uncomfortable" but achieving my goals!! "Whatever the mind of man can believe, and conceive, He can Achieve!!

Believe in YOU! My Dream Board continues to ebb an flow.....I love looking at the fruition of my desires! It's so exciting to SEE the Gifts unwrapping!

Today is just a typical Saturday...but so exciting to see how it unwraps!

See you at the top!!