Sunday, December 30, 2012

Beautiful day!

What an amazing Colorado day....Don't waste your minutes inside get out and enjoy! I had the most wonderful day with my sister! Time has flown by and we just have not taken the time to see and spend time together. Has that ever happened to you? Life is TO short not to enjoy family amd friends!
We snowshoed to Mill's Lake...Spectacular day!

See you at the Top!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! It was joyfilled in so many ways...But It makes me get out of my routine. I have nt run for a few days, filled in with Crossfit...and wow was I sore!
I am really excited to get back to some miles tomorrow.
As I contemplate the trip, it is amazing how fast its coming! Still have some things to accomplish....
See you at the Top!!

Friday, December 21, 2012


I have been looking forwrad to today...Life goes so fast an furious. Today my goal is to slow down and enjoy THIS day! I was up early(which is normal for me) but taken time to reflect and get ready for a crisp morning run! My day hopefully will consist of very little WORK, lots of friend time!
As I prepare for Kilimanjaro, I have been ask...WHY? My WHY is my personal Summit daily, knowing that anything is possible. My son Michael is also an inspiartion that cannot really be expressed in words. Just thinking of my love for him inspires me to achieve a great Summit!
Take this day as the GIFT it was given and enjoy unwrapping it!

See you at the Top!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

getting Close..

Good Morning!
My excersise pattern has been off due to schedule,'s amazing how your heart and mind change without excersise of some sort. I am looking forward to Christmas, and seeing my family. I have actually had some exciting anticipation for the Christmas eve(my favorite), and Christmas morning!
The hike is nearing quickly...We continue to prepare...My hiking partner has been awesome in getting us prepared to this point! We have decided to have some travel Insurance so that is on my agenda today.
My fundraising has been slow...I have the hardest time asking. The youth of today need some strong direction in "Kindness" and "Sharing" love to one another! Thats my goal...
Hope you have a Joyfilled day!!

See you at the Top!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

New Day

Today has been slow relaxed and easy...alot of refelection on what is really important. I am very driven person(if you hadn't already guessed) but I tend to get in my own way....Ever happen to you? My heart and prayers are with some many that I don't even know but the beauty of HIS family! I tell myself it's ok to slow down and relax...:)
I did wait until 9:30 then headed out in this grey day for a bit of a pick me up! 9 miles today, my knee did great, my mind was preoccupied at times, but then I just had to look UP to really SEE! I had to look at many pictures of our most special grandaughter. I also need to hear my own baby's voice, so very proud of him!
I am so very Blessed to have the opportunity to be going on an amazing trip....The day is getting closer!!

See you at the Top!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Good Morning!

For some reason I have not been sleeoing great, but the exciting part of up early is the Sunrise!! This morning it was spectacular!! Wow what a way to start my day!
Headed for a's been my life these last few weeks...
Yesterday was only able to run 2, hopin for 5 today, then off to work and denver.
Looking forward to next week and family, and hopfully calmer schedule:)
The Summit is nearing, and so many things are coming together. So Thankful and Grateful for each day!

How are you doing with your journey?

See you at the Top!

Monday, December 10, 2012

It's Monday!

Good Monday Morning!

You are what you think bout most of the time...What are you thinking??
My computer died so I'm a little is the update. I ran 19 miles in 3 days, but hurt my knee:( So Sunday was a rest day...this morning might be one more rest day, my knee feels much better!
As I said you are what you think about, my visula this morning is a Healthy, Strong knee and body...I's almost there:)
No matter where or what you are thinking, CHANGE it to what you want today!

See you at the Top!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


It's a New day!
Before you take your first step of the day....Be Thankful for something, anything in your life. Today i am so thankful for my health, and this journey I'm on! Of course my greatest "Gift" is my son. He gives me the inspiration to get going.
The sunrise was spectacular this morning. It give me encouragement and hope for whats ahead.
Headed out for a short run, due to a very busy schedule today...
Enjoy your "Gift" today!

See you at the Top!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


My community is the best...we stick together and ALWAYS help out where needed. So blesssed to be amoung so many giving people. Ran 6 miles today, the smoke was not great but was able to run most of the way. The wind has been a challenge, but it's giving me a true feeling for THE mountain!
I am so excited. We applied for our Visa's yesterday, it's becoming so real! I still have to get the shots:( I'm stalling can ya tell...
I just want to encourage you all to be Thank ful and Grateful, for the journey...!
If anyone is interested I would love your donation to the Interact youth of 5440 Rotary District!

See you at the Top!

Monday, December 3, 2012


Happy Monday!

Due to the smoke i will see how many miles I will get in. Starting the day a bit sluggish due to fire last night...a bit anxious! Thankful it did not spread.
So starting out the day with a Thankful and Grateful heart! No matter the circumstance I will look at the day as a "Gift"!

See you at the Top!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

I'm Back...

Good Morning!
Just got back from a business trip, It's always nice to be home! I don't know about you but when I'm away i get out of my routine?? Yesterday was back at it...I had a hike planned but the smoke from the fire was so bad, I ran my usual route. Accomplished about 7 miles....but the smoke was so bad I had a hard time breathing:) I'm still so very thankful that i was out and MOVING!
We are less than 60 days from the climb, can't wait to share the summit!

Have a Joyfilled Sunday, and get out there and MOVE!

See you at the Top!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Good Morning....We made it thru Monday so far!
I continue to prepare myself for my trip of a life time. Journaling is important because it helps me remember what I was THINKING!
I like to go back in time and feel the experience again, and I really see my growth. If you would have asked me 2 or 3 years ago if I would climb a 19,300 ft mountain, I would hae shared it's a Dream, but it would'nt become a reality.
So I continue to encourage anyone reading...Dare to Dream! Dream Big, because it is real for you!
I have a full day, but planning on getting in at least a 4 mile run:)

Have a Terrific day....Dreaming!!

See you at the Top!

Monday, November 26, 2012


After a long holiday, it's hard to get going....
Start your day with some activity! I'm heading out for a run to clear my mind, and to FILL it with positive thoughts,a nd energy!
I had some good miles over theweekend so today will be a shorter run...maybe around 4 or 5 miles. Clouds are low and a bit more chilly than usual, but it's time for some snow, and more winter like weather:)
ANYTHING is POSSIBLE today so Dare to Dream...

Have a Terrific Monday!!
See you at the Top!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Started out my day with a 10 mile run...Some days it feels great, today was one of those days!
Weather is unseasonably nice...we really need some snow! No wind, and the sky was breathtaking!
The one thing that I love as I am running is encouragement from everyone, and anyone. I got waves, honks, and thumbs up today! I so appreciate it!
As I was running up a pretty long hill, I closed my eyes and visulized Kilimanjaro...NO question in my mind...I WILL summit!
I am so thankfule to be healthy!

The 2nd best part of the day...a Win for the Broncos!!
I encourage you to get outside your comfort zone and enjoy your DREAM!!

See you at the Top!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Have a Joy filled Thanksgiving!!
Just finished a short 4 miles and off to serve some turkey!! Looking forward to just being available to others.

See you at the Top!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Today has been so peaceful! Have enjoyed my wonderful, laundry,a little cleaning(not my favorite). The off on a terrific 5 mile run, a bit windy but great temp! A few Elk but the guys are not "Looking" so they didn't bother me today.
I have been so encouraged as my "Summit" approches. I really enjoy and Need your support and Thank you!

See you at the Top!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


So many of my days start out fast and full...Today I was so excited to wake up and not Have to be somewhere! I love my cozy home! I was up at 5:( but got to indulge in some reading and starting slow.
The the beautiful morning was calling so just got back from an 8 mile run. Quinoa muffins in the oven!!
My run was very slow this morning but I I did reach my daily Summit:)
I continue to visualize the Mountain and I actually SEE myself on top!
Now I need to come back to earth and clean my house, so I hope you all have a Joyfilled Saturday!!

See you at the Top!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Please join me!

Good Morning!
I am so excited my Flyer is finished and ready to havnd out...Can you give me some feed back on what you think? Consider helping out the Youth of Rotary! I have so many "Passions" but two at the top of my list are...Hiking (bet you couldnt have guessed that:), and I love working with the KIDS! So I desided to put the passions together!

These kids are our future and I just want to encourage them to GO FOR IT!

See you at thr Top!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Have you ever doubted...

Good Morning!

I have missed a few days so here goes....Have you ever doubted yourself?
I have had 2 busy week of work, It has caused a stall in my workouts and my attitude. I woke up at 4 trying to figure out why I am doubting myself?
So I did a little tapping, Read a chapter in "Laws of Success" and ready for my run!
The sunrise was spectacular! So what do I have to "doubt" about?
I have made a decision to Take Courage and Believe in me today!! My Summit is the first step!

See you at the Top!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New Day

Good Morning!
Getting ready to head out on a run...I really look forward to it. It clears my head, and my heart. It makes me feel proud of myself for having a commitment and sticking to it! I am a bit driven...
I really would like to encourage you to make a goal, and commit to it!
Start your day...right now...get a peice of paper and write down you Goal, and then Dare to Dream, and write that down so you can SEE it!

See you at the Top!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

New Day...Veiw from the Top!
Continue to train and visualize the Ultimate Summit! My training this past week was just over 35 miles,upper body and core work. Reading and listening to audios to grow my understanding, and sharpen my sword.
I have had a growing desire to spend more time with family, so enjoyed the best evening with my son, and family! Dinner with my neighbors, and dinner with some of my dearest friends! This is truly what life is about.
Today we prepare to finalize the plane tickets!
It's becoming so real!

See you at the Top!

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Yesterday was a good run...a little over 10 miles, yes I had to walk some but felt pretty good!
Headed out again today for a run. Time will be short this morning to get ready for the Broncos!

See you at the Top!


I have committed to training daily...yes I have missed a few days but I will share what I accomplish.
My backyard is the BEST training ground you can find!
I am 5 weeks into my training. we are less than 90 days to Kilimanjaro, and I try to visualize what the mountain will be like when I get there.

See you at the Top!

Just a little training

Friday, November 2, 2012

Life is such an awsome journey! Within the last year I have decided to create a "Celebration List"...kind of like a bucket list. I want to enjoy the journey I have been given!
A friend and I have dediced to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. We have been discussing for months...Now the prep begins. Oct 1 was 120 days, I have been recording a Monday message to share....So come join me on this journey!