Wednesday, February 5, 2014

One Year Ago....

Good Morning!

One year ago today I acheived a "Success" in my journey of life! I prepared for one year to summit Mt Kilimanjaro, in Tanznia Africa....

I Succeeded!! My "Gift" was unwrapped. In the last year that journey has changed my life...I Thank God daily for the growth and molding it has done!
As I reflect on my journal this was the devotion my Sister Deanne sent me on Summit day...

... I am all about you, to bless and restore. Breathe Me in with each breath. The way just ahead of you is very steep. Slow down and cling tightly to My hand. I am teaching you a difficult lesson, learned only by hardship.

Lift up empty hands of faith to receive My precious Presence. Light, Life, Joy, and Peace flow freely through this gift. When your focus turns away from Me, you grasp for other things. You drop the glowing gift of My Presence as you reach for lifeless ashes. Return to Me; regain My Presence.

My journey has been steep and hard at times, and this summit experience has shown me my strenghth and perseverance...
In the last year I have opened my hands in praise instead of gripping so tightly, it's amazing what can come into your life when you OPEN your hands...So I am focused on HIS glowing Gift. Looking forward to the daily journey and not just the destination!

Encouraging you to "Live your Dreams with open hands" Let life come in...

The story contines one day at a time from the Top!!


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Year. New Dreams!!

Happy New Year!!

I have had so many friends ask me about my Blog and why I didn't post anymore news after Kilimanjaro... So I thought about it and I have no excuse for not continuing:)

So the journey continues in the life of Marcy...
Mtn Kilimanjaro was a pinnacle for me in my life's journey, it has opened my eyes to so many blessings!
2013 was filled with many adventures but the Summit experience was miraculous!

January was prepping and training for the Mountain....So much excitement but also trepidation of what was to come.
February was the actual climb....Life changing!
March was just getting back into life after being gone...Grammie time was at the top of the list!
April was a fun trip to Dallas to grow me! GIN is an amazing organization and a gift to us!
May and June as I read my journal seems uneventful, but the "Gifts" were fun to open!
June off to Panama and just giving back...Again I stretched myself beyond anything I could imagine...well except Kilimanjaro! I did a ropes course TOO far in the air, and survived:) Talk about out side my comfort zone...
Chicago..again just sharpening my sword..

Second half of the year, was growth in business, Real Estate school...again my beautiful Granddaughter
She keeps me young and happy..we love going on our runs, and to the park. Our special times! I love it that, this is her memory of me:)

So much of my "Dream Board" has come to fruition! It's so exciting to look back and see how it manifested!
I have learned something in just the last few months..."If your Dream doesn't scare you your not Dreaming BIG enough! So I encourage you to Dream Big in 2014!!