Good Morning World!
Gratitude is where my heart is.....It has been the "longest" journey in the last two weeks!
I am so very Grateful for Family, Friends, and Opportunities....I am a very healthy and active person, and really pride myself on that. I have always had the attitude that sickness is a weakness.
I know, I know sometimes I let Pride get in the way!
I love to Hike, Run, exercise, eat well( most of the time...:) Shouldn't that be enough??
Shouldn't that keep me "healthy"?? Well I got a wake up call in the past 10 days.
I willed myself to get over the pain, but by Tuesday afternoon I knew something was very wrong...Again Thankful and Grateful for a husband that listens, loves, and takes charge!
After talking with a local Dr, who was so caring and sensitive....We were told I need a CT scan, my mind is racing at this can I get out of this. If I just stay positive enough I'll be home soon!
We sit in an imagery room for 31/2 hours waiting....My Ins self kicks in and I know I will stay in control....Right? Wrong, it;s time to get the scan done. What does that look like, feel like, what will the results be? Well I can tell you one thing, There will be no surgery for me, no matter what!
10:30 p.m...Prepping for surgery, is this really "me" in this bed, in this position. My sweet and amazing husband, praying and consoling me that all will be ok..
I will stay in control....right?? wrong....Grateful was not the word that came to mind.
Well 12 days later and days of quiet, rest, and pacing myself. Gratitude is the word for sure!
The word Benign has never sounded so good, my family and friends to my rescue, my amazing husband working hard to take care of our family...Yes Gratitude is the word!!
Have you been here? Can you relate....I couldn't have said this 13 days ago!
With a Grateful heart, and healthy...healing body!
I have arrived at a false summit, but I know the climb will be worth it!!