Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Journey continues...

Good Morning!

I have such good intentions...Do you have "intentions of getting a routine going...? Then 1,2, or 3 years pass and there it is...not completed?

My "Intention" for my Dream Board to Summit was/is to inspire others to reach for their Dreams!
"Inspire....IN-SPIRE...verb, to encourage somebody to greater effort,enthusiasm,or creativity. to awaken a particular feeling in somebody
Latin...Inspire to Breathe...

My journey has met many false summits since my Kilimanjaro experience, I have veered from the path, and had to find my way back from the bushwhack....I always have my eye on the Summit but there are times in my journey that I can only see the false summit. I get excited because I'm still on the Mountain of life, a bit weary at times, but I'm still moving forward...are you? Can I help in anyway to guide and encourage?

It is March...Spring is in the air, birds are singing happily....Am I happy, Inspired? I have the most amazing peace in my life today...it is so calm I almost feel like it's not right? I have a wonderful best friend to share my journey with....answer to a prayer that I have had for over 13 years!
I am actually sitting still and writing, and so excited to share! I could not have done this 1 month, 6 months, or a year ago. So I am Thankful and Grateful for this moment of realization...

Dream Board to Summit and back...
