Friday, May 17, 2013

As the sun rises!

Good Morning!

As the sun rises this morning my thought are racing with all that needs to be done...But wait I did'nt start the day with Gratitude! It's time to stop, and listen and get excited for what is ahead!
Just over 3 months ago I climbed a mountain that changed my life. I don't wake up the same anymore, and if I do it only takes a minute to bring me back to, "Thankful an Grateful"!The sunrise this morning was amazing, the new day has begun,AND I get to live it!! Are you excited to LIVE your life today?!
Speak out loud your Thankful an Grateful list, and no matter how you woke up, I promise this will make you smile!

One Step at a time From the Top!!
Love, Marcy

Friday, May 10, 2013


Good Morning!

I have been behind on communication here....I just spent the most amazing weekend with my Mom, and family in San Francisico! I got to enjoy family, Site Seeing, Wedding, and of course Food!
What a "Gift" it was to unwrap the days! Yes I still start my days excited for the 'UNWRAPPING" of the gift that is before me! How about you, do you look Forward to your days?
I continue to work towards speaking, and growing the opportunity, I am scheduled for Az, Wyoming, and Colorado.

"Go as far as you can, and you can SEE farther when you get there!"

Have a Joy Filled Friday!!

My Journey one step at a time From the Top!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Just a Little More!

Good Morning!

It is an amazing experience living in the Rocky Mountains!  Happy May Day...and 14+ inches of snow!
No school, town offices closed, and we are all posting photos of the morning!

It's my choice to BE happy! Yes my days activities and schedule have been altered but the Smile on my face is beaming!

Happy May Day!!
